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[BBC News] Grand prix fans get fence warning


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There is currently a 'suspected' farm in Kent - so these precautions are probably quite sensible. Foot and mouth has an incubation period of around 8 days and so the disease can be in animals for a week before it even shows itself - so the 'all clear' cannot be given as quickly as some might hope.

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Which is very very unlikely to be F&M.


The UK have a very very good idea of the possibility of the risk of F&M spreading as it is now 11 days since it was first detetcted on one farm. It might have subsequently spread to one other. Since then they have identified all the probable original source of infection and how it was transmitted. They will also have traced and tracked down any susceptable animals that have travelled out of the area since.There are probably none as if there are where any MAFF would have probably culled by now. If anything pops up now it will be totally unexpected in the UK. If it pops up in the IoM it would be as likely to be a new source which could happen at any time rather than one linked to the UK


This is completely different to the 2001 case where infected animals had been sent to market and infected a load of others hence the rapid spread and difficulty tracing due to the large numbers of animals involved. Even then the spread was animal to animal.


The IoM must have at the original outbreak date had a decent idea if any animals might have been infected and transported to the IoM. NOw thet will know for certain and also be satisfied that they were not carriers. Any other risk is probably miniscule and not a great different from other times when F&M is not in the UK but is in other parts of the world. Whilst it could be argued that the precautions were justifiable whilst the Island was uncertain if it had any infected animals once the IOM was aware it had no infected animals then the precautions are probably OTT


There is currently a 'suspected' farm in Kent - so these precautions are probably quite sensible. Foot and mouth has an incubation period of around 8 days and so the disease can be in animals for a week before it even shows itself - so the 'all clear' cannot be given as quickly as some might hope.
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The Kent item was briefly mentioned as abeing investigated on the BBC 1o'clock news but then not mentioned in the closing headlines - sounds very much another 'sick animal lets check' story none of which would make the news other than because of the recent F&M - obviously I hope it isn't F&M (and being miles from Surrey sound very unlikely to be connected as no known transportation mechanism as pointed out by Last Login) but if it was serious I'd have expected the BBC to lead with it.

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I thought this was a safety issue rather than a F&M matter, following the incident on Senior Race Day.


Same here. I've been past the hairpin in Ramsey and the prohibited area on the green has trebled,

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I thought this was a safety issue rather than a F&M matter, following the incident on Senior Race Day.


Same here. I've been past the hairpin in Ramsey and the prohibited area on the green has trebled,



Mmmm, sounds like stable doors and bolting horses syndrome.........

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