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Legally Logical


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From today's Times, a list of The world's strangest laws (Enough to keep Mr Brindley happy for a little while!)

The one's I particularly liked were:


24. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament. (Would anyone notice and if they did, what, exactly, would be the punishment?)


17. In the UK, a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants – even, if she so requests, in a policeman’s helmet. (I'd love to see the look on the plod's face!)


11. In San Salvador, drunk drivers can be punished by death before a firing squad. (Wouldn't Mr Moyle be pleased???!!!)

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Regarding number 17.....when I was pregnant with my first child I approached a policeman armed with this law. I didnt even need a wee I just wanted to see the look on his face, nealry got myself arrested so, lets not count on that law as being any good for a laugh. As for the look on his face, it was a very serious one.

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Regarding number 17.....when I was pregnant with my first child I approached a policeman armed with this law. I didnt even need a wee I just wanted to see the look on his face, nealry got myself arrested so, lets not count on that law as being any good for a laugh. As for the look on his face, it was a very serious one.

He probably wasn't aware you were entitled to take the piss. I also heard policemens helmets can get you pregnant too.

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While I don't really want to piss on anyone's chips (not being a pregnant woman in the UK), loads of these will be bollocks, primarily because they ignore the doctrine of implied repeal. The Human Rights Act in the UK would trump anyone's rights to shoot Scotsmen, for instance...

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