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Voter Registration,

John Barber

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I am not suggesting that voting be made compulsary, though a good argument can be made for making this the case, but surely registering to vote should be incumbent on all who are eligible. Democracy, unused will, inevitably die.


I exercise my democratic right not to vote....enforced democracy isnt healthy!


Surely the rights you are so keen to use are the result of other people being responsible for you having the rights. 'Rights' only exist as the result of 'responsibilities'. You have as many responsibilties as you do rights! Democracy rests on being responsible.


Forgive me for not having a clue what you are wittering on about....are you saying that I have to vote in order to maintain the democracy that I wish to extol in order not to vote. You seem to have disappeared up your own ass dude.


To me its cause and effect....my desire not to vote is based on the fact that I dont beleive that a) there is anyone worth voting for and b ) it will make any difference in the long run.


If there is voter apathy then lets address the root cause of that first rather than compel everyone to do something that has caused the problem in the first place.


Where have I have suggested that voting is, or should be compulsary? I am suggesting, like it or not, you do have responsibilities to the society you live in. There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want to be part of society, then you should prepared to contribute to it.

What, exactly, does your last sentence actually mean?

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Hope I may use this information in my report to Counscil of Ministers into what happened aboiuyt the compilation of the 2006 Electoral Register


I am half way through writing up.


Yes, use what you will. Could you clarify the point regarding a legal requirement to register as a voter?

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As the members of Tynwald appear to have very little knowledge about voting - witness the debacle when it came to electing a Chief Minister followed by the one to elect a couple of MLCs - I hardly think they have any right to tell us about the need to vote.


i agree with the above, it is also very hypocritical of them to tell us the importance of voting and then they take the piss out of voting to the nth degree. also, why bother voting when it doesn't matter who gets in, the rich will get planning permission. certain nests will get fur lined, and the lower paid will pay for it all. there will always be enough 'protect my interests' people in there with their backs together.

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Hope I may use this information in my report to Counscil of Ministers into what happened aboiuyt the compilation of the 2006 Electoral Register


John can I just say that I received the original letter and binned it as it didn't make it suffiiciently clear that you were required to re-register. As far as I was concerned I was already on the electoral role and thought the letter was just confirming that fact. I'm not particularly thick (just exceedingly lazy) and I'm guessing that likewise most people scanned the first couple of lines and binned it.


Its only when I got the reminder telling me that me no reply had been received that I realised that I had to send it back.


I don't really think that the lack of response is apathy, just another vague official letter than got binned by most recipients because its contents were not clear.

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No individual requirement, it is an obligation of householders, dating back to when voting was property ownership related


Registration of Electors Act 2006 s5 says


(3) The registration officer may require any householder or person owning or occupying any premises, or the agent of any such person, to give information required for the purpose of the registration officer’s functions under this Act.

(4) Any person who without reasonable excuse fails to comply with a requirement under subsection (3), or gives false information in pursuance of such a requirement, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £1,000.

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How many people is believed not to have returned their letter?


Multiply the number by £1000 and we have a nice little earner for the Governmental kitty.


Hope I may use this information in my report to Counscil of Ministers into what happened aboiuyt the compilation of the 2006 Electoral Register


I am half way through writing up.


I hope you put the report through the spelchekcer, and I'm not sure the Council of Ministers will be too chuffed at having evidence and opinion from people on an Internet Chatroom with anonymous nom-de-plumes. Although from what I can make out those names certainly seem to be more in touch with the real world than the forum members who use their real names.*







*except Stu Peters. Of course.

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How many people is believed not to have returned their letter?


Multiply the number by £1000 and we have a nice little earner for the Governmental kitty.


FFS it's not hard to read and return a form. You make it sound like a conspiracy.

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How many people is believed not to have returned their letter?


Multiply the number by £1000 and we have a nice little earner for the Governmental kitty.


But will the government have the willpower to start fairly large scale prosecutions of the electorate public and will we see any "Electoral Roll Martyrs"

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How many people is believed not to have returned their letter?


Multiply the number by £1000 and we have a nice little earner for the Governmental kitty.


FFS it's not hard to read and return a form. You make it sound like a conspiracy.



One thing the IOM government could do is join the Plain English Society and simplify their communications with the public.


Also it might be worth employing a few people to knock on doors and follow up the census and voting register.

There is no requirement to register when you come to live here and I suspect there are lots of people hiding in the undergrowth-not to mention Ballaugh Curraghs.

How can you plan an economy and public services if you don't know how many people are on the island?

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How many people is believed not to have returned their letter?


Multiply the number by £1000 and we have a nice little earner for the Governmental kitty.


FFS it's not hard to read and return a form. You make it sound like a conspiracy.


No this one definitely isn't a conspiracy. Sorry if I made it sound like that.


This one is a joke, the whole thing.


Oh, and apparently it is quite difficult to read and return a form. Many thousands of people on this here very Island apparently think so. The Old Git sums the matter up quite well.

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Oh, and apparently it is quite difficult to read and return a form. Many thousands of people on this here very Island apparently think so.


It's not difficult. I just couldn't be arsed.

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No individual requirement, it is an obligation of householders, dating back to when voting was property ownership related


Time for an overhaul perhaps ?


I've always thought that it would make sense to link the right to vote to the payment of personal income tax - if this were possible. After all, the elected representatives get to spend 'our' taxes for us, so the payment of tax should bring with it the right to have a say in who gets to spend it. They don't seem to have any problem maintaining a list of who is due to pay tax....

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Where have I have suggested that voting is, or should be compulsary? I am suggesting, like it or not, you do have responsibilities to the society you live in. There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want to be part of society, then you should prepared to contribute to it.

What, exactly, does your last sentence actually mean?


You are you saying by that no voting I should not be part of society....sounds like a somewhat fascist statement there dude. Seems to me that you consider those that dont vote to be ostracised from society. If thats the case then so be it....I bet my society would be better than yours.



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