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[BBC News] Record year for A-level results


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Disclaimer - I did terribly at school so I'm in no way trying to justify my own awesome grades or similar.


Every year the usual cries of the exams being dumbed down. Maybe it is the case I don't know - but is it not also a possibility that teaching methods and resources are constantly improving?

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They have clearly worked hard for them, you can argue that they haven't worked as hard for them as someone did 25 years ago, or even 5 years ago but that's hardly their fault is it? You can only answer the questions you're given. The whole education system must be getting "dumbed" down if A levels are getting easier, which is nothing to do with the kids who have passed them.


I don't think you'll find many people who disagree with you, myself included. I feel a bit sorry for some of the kids who've done 'well' in their exams today because the real world is going to be a terrible shock to them.


As much as the education system can be said to be failing the current generation, it's also having a detrimental effect on past generations. Exam results should be a benchmark. They should be an differentiator between two individuals to indicate varying degrees of competency. It's unfair on a student who scraped a B in A Level Maths 15 years ago to be viewed as inferior to someone who got an A* grade today when the amount of effort, knowledge and ability is poles apart. Hell, they didn't even have A* grades when I was at school.


It's not their fault, you're absolutely right, but I think the reason that they're largely rounded upon by previous generations is that they're lead to believe, through the media and the schools themselves, that they're superior to previous exam takers and some of them will shout this as loud as they can.

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Hmm, I think my trolling was better last year on this topic so I'll just start pasting in previous efforts.


An 'A' used to be something difficult to achieve, something only the elite could attain. Now you're considered a moron if you get a B. Therein lies the problem. When your best pupil gets an A in a subject but your average pupils are getting the same, how does a potential employer distinguish between the two?


I feel sorry for those students who are so capable, but have their credited success marred by the dilution of its importance. It's not their fault, nor is it the fault of any student really. It's the fault of those same politically correct jerks who took competitive sport out of so many schools because they dont think children should go through the whole 'losing' thing. Because real life after school is like that, isn't it? Sigh.


Here's the news guys, you're sending out legions of over achieving kids who think they can outsmart the world because you jackasses equipped them with a bunch of qualifications they didn't deserve. Your genuinely talented people are being lost in a muggy fog of ineptitude while morons who've been trained to expect everything handed to them on a plate gasp in despair when they're exposed for the shallow, poorly educated charlatans they really are.


Bring back the exam grade quotas. Make that A hard to get again and make it worth something!

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