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Is Flogging Good Enough?


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Easy, prosecute the parents.


unless thats a joke, what a typical idiotic knee jerk reaction from the Daily Mail contingent.


while some parents may be partly responsible and dont control them as much as they can, the simple fact is that you cannot watch a child 24/7 and some children will get into trouble no matter what their upbringing or discipline regime at home.


myself, i was an unruly teenager, constantly getting into scrapes and trouble with the law yet my parents gave me a good upbringing, with decent morals, good discipline and i wanted for nothing. i chose to get in trouble through my own volition, not as a result of my circumstances or parenting. to blame the parents, some of whom may be weeping with frustration at their disobedient children, in a blanket fashion is plain unfair. some children are just born bad.


its funny really. the loonies take away the discipline methods employed by parents to good effect over the years such as smacking, grounding and losses of priviledges yet they want to blame the parents in turn when they cant control their children. give them the tools to do their job, you namby pamby cockstains.

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unless thats a joke, what a typical idiotic knee jerk reaction from the Daily Mail contingent.


Have you ever seen my knee jerk in an idiotic daily mail way before?


while some parents may be partly responsible and dont control them as much as they can, the simple fact is that you cannot watch a child 24/7 and some children will get into trouble no matter what their upbringing or discipline regime at home.


No, but that doesn't stop you being responsible for them and their actions. If someones got to pay for these repairs, it has to be the parents.

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I'm glad they've got the scumbag people responsible for vandalising the Corrie Park, we're lucky in that we have the Mooragh to go to instead, and our little girl can go on the swings there in the meantime.


I agree that prosecuting the parents would achieve nothing, and that even the best raised children can get into all sorts of bother - but the truth is here that the baby swings at the Corrie Park have been deliberately, repeatedly and maliciously targeted by vandals because they want the Corpy to replace them with something more "exciting" - and the vandals need to be taught that this behaviour is totally unacceptable.


If the damage caused has amounted to £540, then the children involved should have to do £540 worth of work between them to pay their debt to society. I'm not talking about sending them down the mines or anything like that, I dunno, maybe get them out on the beach at low tide and they can collect rubbish for a few hours.

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but the truth is here that the baby swings at the Corrie Park have been deliberately, repeatedly and maliciously targeted by vandals because they want the Corpy to replace them with something more "exciting"

Blimey - sounds like an organised terrorist group - Al Kidya perhaps?.

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but the truth is here that the baby swings at the Corrie Park have been deliberately, repeatedly and maliciously targeted by vandals because they want the Corpy to replace them with something more "exciting"

Blimey - sounds like an organised terrorist group - Al Kidya perhaps?.


It came straight from the horse's mouth, one of the scallies there was quite happy to tell Mrs Turnip that the vandals were going after the baby swings specifically 'cause they wanted something they could play on in their place.


I'm just glad the Corpy made sure they got in a decent enough CCTV system to do facial recognition.

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It was quite deliberate. Having bust one swing you think they'd realise that repeating their actions would result in more damage.


The Comms in ramsey have just installed a 120k skatepark and new wet play area at the Mooragh. If these kids think that the gear at the corrie is boring why don't they walk over there. Alternatively they could always get their heads together and go and talk to the people at the town hall - I'm pretty sure the skatepark wouldn't have be built if they weren't prepared to listen to the young people. they may not be able to produce new kit straight away but they could look at options and some money.

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The Comms in ramsey have just installed a 120k skatepark


Now dont take this the wrong way when i was a "youf" skateparks usually had halfpipes, you know the things big high halfpipey type thingys 15 foot high the ones that you could really hurt yourself if you really screwed it up big time :o (Which i did mostly) but when you look at these new corpy built parks the angles are all wrong and not steep enough and also where they have put 2 ramps together you have to transition from the ramp to tarmac back on to the ramp which is totally usless


if you are going to do a job and spend a load of cash do it properly FFS :angry:


imo i think the sk8 kids would prefer a real halfpipe made from wood with nice smooth flowing lines and if you must insist a couple of crash mats around the edges but these so called skate parks certainly look as if H&S have had a lot to do with them which has rendered them a waste of money


:D a Proper Halfpipe :D


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