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[BBC News] Vandals target cemetery


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Police appeal for helping in tracing vandals who targeted a garden of remembrance at a cemetery on the Isle of Man.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/6951087.stm


Well here we go again - Ramsey, Nobles Park now the DB Cemetry. This is getting beyond a joke. If they catch the people, and that's a big if, I think they should be made to scrub out the ornamental pond with nail brushes before the water is put back in, and paint the vandalised benches with small school paint brushes and replace the flower beds with new plants, digging the holes for said plants with dessert spoons, watched over by chaps from the Corporation who will not be helping them at all but sitting drinking tea and eating cake!! No point in sending them to prison and costing us a fortune.


Failing that..................send them to the army and give them plenty to do in Iraq/Afganistan.


Neither of these suggestions would be able to be challenged by the bleeding heart liberals as they'd only be working or serving the country. No need to bring back the birch - which by the way, I don't believe in anyway.


Anyway, there's my two henneth worth............ :)

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How about give them something to do? Where is there for the young ones? It was crap here when I was a teenager and it is even worse now that I have a teenager of my own. She is going to a party tonight (shes nearly 15 I have to let her out sometime & I really cannot go with her to this party) and has been 'out' til 9.30pm most nights this week, I like to know where she is going and who with - it would be nice if they had somewhere to go to other than "The Villiers carpark" or "The sea terminal".


The responses here are horrible and make me feel quite sad. Like the book says "the devil makes work for idle hands", give them something else to do. We are a fortunate society but care little for providing for the youth or the elderly - that is quite poor.

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I went in to visit my fathers plaque this week and the place was a mess, whats worse is that it would seem on the face of it that its the same bunch of twats that have been causing trouble up there for a while.


The ones that chinned me were took through the courts and punished but they are still milling around pissed in Nobles park of a night time causing trouble.

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How about give them something to do? Where is there for the young ones? It was crap here when I was a teenager and it is even worse now that I have a teenager of my own. She is going to a party tonight (shes nearly 15 I have to let her out sometime & I really cannot go with her to this party) and has been 'out' til 9.30pm most nights this week, I like to know where she is going and who with - it would be nice if they had somewhere to go to other than "The Villiers carpark" or "The sea terminal".


The responses here are horrible and make me feel quite sad. Like the book says "the devil makes work for idle hands", give them something else to do. We are a fortunate society but care little for providing for the youth or the elderly - that is quite poor.


Then hopefully your daughter has been brought up well enough to have respect for other people etc - it is more the ones who it would seem have no respect for anything (except possibly their own 'status' within their peers) that should be named and shamed for blatant vandalism and the like.


As far as I remember, there wasn't much for young people to do when I was around the teenager age in my home town in England in the mid 80s, but I never felt the need to go out vandalising stuff - I could make my own amusements without breaking the law.

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There must be more sports and social activites available on the island than most places in the uk if you can be bothered to look.


Alternatively encourage your kinds to bring their mates home - they shouldn't be ashamed of you - so they can chill out listen to music etc in comfort. We used to do this in the 70's, eventually of course it developed into getting pissed before we hit the clubs cause we couldn't afford pub prices all night (but we were over 17)


Of course if this isn't acceptable to the kids then you have to ask what else are they doing on the streets which they would feel uneasy about doing where they live.

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If they catch the people, and that's a big if, I think they should be made to scrub out the ornamental pond with nail brushes before the water is put back in, and paint the vandalised benches with small school paint brushes and replace the flower beds with new plants, digging the holes for said plants with dessert spoons, watched over by chaps from the Corporation who will not be helping them at all but sitting drinking tea and eating cake!! No point in sending them to prison and costing us a fortune.


Failing that..................send them to the army and give them plenty to do in Iraq/Afganistan.


Neither of these suggestions would be able to be challenged by the bleeding heart liberals as they'd only be working or serving the country. No need to bring back the birch - which by the way, I don't believe in anyway.


Anyway, there's my two henneth worth............ :)

Why not just cremate them? Simple, cheap and effective.

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How about give them something to do? Where is there for the young ones? It was crap here when I was a teenager and it is even worse now that I have a teenager of my own. She is going to a party tonight (shes nearly 15 I have to let her out sometime & I really cannot go with her to this party) and has been 'out' til 9.30pm most nights this week, I like to know where she is going and who with - it would be nice if they had somewhere to go to other than "The Villiers carpark" or "The sea terminal".


The responses here are horrible and make me feel quite sad. Like the book says "the devil makes work for idle hands", give them something else to do. We are a fortunate society but care little for providing for the youth or the elderly - that is quite poor.


Perhaps you could spend more time with your daughter? Perhaps you could provide things for her to do?


I think the excuse of nothing to do over here is wearing very thin, even in the UK this goes on all the time yet they have plenty of entertainment laid out for them, but they choose to beat people to death on their own doorsteps instead.


Parents are responsible for their own children, there whereabouts and what they get up to.


I also think parents should be subject to charges on their childrens behalf, it would soon stop the problem.

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As far as I remember, there wasn't much for young people to do when I was around the teenager age in my home town in England in the mid 80s, but I never felt the need to go out vandalising stuff - I could make my own amusements without breaking the law.


I agree. I spent most of my childhood on the Island. In the summer I'd go to the beach, youth club, Nobles Park amongst other places. We made up games (3 hours of 123 Buzz Off!) & built dens at the bottom of the garden. Neither myself or my friends ever felt the need to break the law. My children have summer jobs, go to clubs, play football, read books, etc & I never hear them say they're bored. If they do, they know either me or Mr Merton will find something for them to do :P


We could argue the above point until the cows come home but there's no excuse for mindless acts like vandalism. Whether they're bored or not, it's not big & it certainly isn't clever.

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Perhaps you could spend more time with your daughter? Perhaps you could provide things for her to do?


You are kidding? she is a grade 5 piano player, plays hockey, netball and we are always 'doing things' together. Children need to socialise too, where can they go? Skate park? she's not allowed there at night. I can not think of anywhere else. I'm not excusing what they did however I can see how bored they must be.

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