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Tax On The Sick


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The Manx Government are to increase presciption charges by 15%, which they say will raise a much needed extra £74000-00pa for the DHSS fund.

Do this Government realy need to raise £74k from the sick (sick pay from the DHSS is £55pw) Will the raise sick pay by 15% NO. What happened to the £millions they borrowed from the pension fund, OUR PENSIONS

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They are still half the price of that charged in the UK, but on saying that the IOM has almost zero unemployment, so the DHSS must be coining it in from NI, it seems such a small sum to try and raise and much of it will come from the elderly. Did the Government not borrow £54million from the pension fund for use at the new Hospital, but never used it. Whats hapening to the interest this money must be earning, is it going back into the pension fund (Over £2.7million in interst a year).

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