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Us Attacks Uk Forces Yet Again


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3 Royal Anglian lads killed in Helmand courtesy of US planes providng close air support. 12 previous casualties in Iraq courtesy of the twats. Record Opium crops this year, rising UK troop casualties.

Anyone see any positive results from being stuck up Americas arse?

I am in no way attacking our armed forces who are doing a very difficult job under terrible condition BUT is it not time to look at the whole issue and actually come to some sort of strategy for disengaging and bringing them home??

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3 Royal Anglian lads killed in Helmand courtesy of US planes providng close air support. 12 previous casualties in Iraq courtesy of the twats. Record Opium crops this year, rising UK troop casualties.

Anyone see any positive results from being stuck up Americas arse?

I am in no way attacking our armed forces who are doing a very difficult job under terrible condition BUT is it not time to look at the whole issue and actually come to some sort of strategy for disengaging and bringing them home??

F**king yanks and their CrAPs. It's been time to come home for at least 2 years now.


In Afghanistan they seem to forget that between 1979 and 1980 there were 80,000-104,000 russian troops stationed there at any one time ending with 14,453 Russians killed and 469,685 sick and wounded, with 118 aircraft and 333 helicopters lost. A million Afghans died.


Bush and Blair think they can do it with only a relatively few thousand men. Sooner Bush goes the better, as I suspect Afghanistan will go as pear shaped as Iraq eventually...but as they say 'the one thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history'.

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Yeay at last we are at war with a country that 'deserves a good kicking' .....oh, I've just been informed that we aren't at war with America, so why do their people keep killing our soldiers? The sad reality is these soldiers they are sending to fight their stupid oil war are little more than children, frightened little boys and girls, they are bound to be trigger happy through pure fear. Im an old woman and the thought of being in the Army in Iraq petrifies me.


Did you hear the one about the president who has full blown conversations with God? "I, God, do tell thee, George, to go and have a war with Iraq" - and the stupid fuckers bought it......nuff said.

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I wonder if they use IFF in land vehicles? i remember seeing them on a challenger 2 but not sure if they fitted them to rovers.


I cant see it being much of a problem to make a version for patrols either. A bolt on to the bowman radio system would at least mean that the aircraft could scan the area to see if any friendlies were on the ground.

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Is it really fair to dissrespect all of the american army because of the tragic friendly fire deaths?


I think its completely fair. When did you ever hear of a British friendly fire incident against the US? Going back to WW2 they have often demonstrated a trigger happy gung-ho approach to warfare.


They are brave young men and women following orders


They are not floowing orders to kill their allies are they? I doubt even the maddest US Army General issues orders like that.

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Is it really fair to dissrespect all of the american army because of the tragic friendly fire deaths?


I think its completely fair. When did you ever hear of a British friendly fire incident against the US?


But this comparison neglects that a large proportion of friendly fire incidents involve air units mistakenly targetting or accidentally hitting those on the ground, and the fact that the overwhealming majority of air support in US/UK operations is provided by the U.S.


Also it should be remembered that the British have also been participants in friendly fire incidents: In Suez Royal Navy aircraft opened fire on British troops, whilst in the Falklands war two companies from the parachute regiment engaged each other in a firefight for an hour, and the SAS and the SBS had a similar encounter. In Iraq the Royal Engineers mistakenly identified an approaching Royal Marines patrol boat as hostile and opened fire with missiles, killing one of the marines, whilst a nighttime firefight saw two Challengers engage in a duel with one another, killing two occupants of one of the tanks.


Going back to WW2 they have often demonstrated a trigger happy gung-ho approach to warfare.


That's complete rubbish. If anything the Americans were in some respects more cautious than the "gung-ho" British. Don't forget that it was Montgomery's risky Market Garden plan that sent men to their deaths despite the reservations of some commanders within the participating U.S. units regarding its planning.

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I wonder if they use IFF in land vehicles? i remember seeing them on a challenger 2 but not sure if they fitted them to rovers.


I cant see it being much of a problem to make a version for patrols either. A bolt on to the bowman radio system would at least mean that the aircraft could scan the area to see if any friendlies were on the ground.


Yes they do use IFF ,its a big orange square painted on the top of the vehicle :)

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Trouble is most of the Yanks see army service as being an extension of a Hollywood movie. Its cool to blow things up and shoot at people, trouble is there a tad indescriminate about who. It would be interesting to know how many US servicemen/women are killled in friendly fire incidents by fellow US forces - or is this just a British thing.

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Trouble is most of the Yanks see army service as being an extension of a Hollywood movie. Its cool to blow things up and shoot at people, trouble is there a tad indescriminate about who. It would be interesting to know how many US servicemen/women are killled in friendly fire incidents by fellow US forces - or is this just a British thing.


No they shoot their own and then lie about it too.


Have you not read the Pat Tillman story?



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I see the other day that the US has told the UK that it will not make its personnel available to give evidence at inquests even though they caused the loss of life.

Yet again the UK gets crapped on.

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George Bush goes to a primary school to talk to the kids to get a little PR. After his talk he offers question time.




One little boy puts up his hand and George asks him his name.


"Stanley," responds the little boy.


"And what is your question, Stanley?"


"I have 4 questions:


First, why did the USA invade Iraq without the support of the UN? Second, why are you President when Al Gore got more votes? Third, whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden?" Fourth, why are we so worried about gay-marriage when 1/2 of all Americans don't have health insurance?


Just then, the bell rings for recess. George Bush informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess .


When they resume George says, "OK, where were we?


Oh, that's right, question time. Who has a question?"


Another little boy puts up his hand. George points him out and asks him his name.


"Little Johnnie" he responds.


"And what is your question, Little Johnnie?"


"Actually Sir, I have 6 questions:




First, why did the USA invade Iraq without the support of the UN? Second, why are you President when Al Gore got more votes? Third, whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden? Fourth, why are we so worried about gay marriage when 1/2 of all Americans don't have health insurance? Fifth, why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early? And sixth, what the F ..... happened to Stanley?"




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