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The Earth Fair Is Over....

ray marshall

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omfg...what an insane day....almost 4k people thru the gates...and every area was jumping

we've managed to record most of the dance area at least but will take time to go thru it and do an edit for future stream's....hopefully some of the main stage and rock stage may have been recorded to...but again it will take a bit of time to get it....

got some video but not much as it was a hectic day...and photos too so when i have the time and can find the software ill upload some for those that may be interested


club classics will be back next sunday...and will be on this wednesday for another go at streaming jamies k tech set....appologise for last wed but decided to dump the stream due to huge buffering issues...not fair to stream it out when its unlistenable....


speak soon

ray "incredibly sunburnt but happy" marshall



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