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[BBC News] Roundabouts to boost traffic flow


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"Time for another DoT strategy meeting" said Zeberdee.


"Hey man! I come up with several new wacked out spaced-out weird ideas and a new roundabout song this weekend. Just give me a shovel, 707 good men...and I'll see you in 8 months", said Dylan.


"Oh f**king Boing!" said Zeberdee.



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As someone wisely pointed out on another thread, we should all welcome this initiative as it will deliver drivers to the headache that is the QB so much more quickly.


In the 80's there was some scurrilous chat going around about how the DOT did their road planning over coffee. They would spread out the plans and hum and ha, but when they took their coffee cups off the plans, almost by divine intervention there was the answer, roundabouts, everywhere, with a coffee tint! Nowt's changed.


How about this for a thought? When planning a major development, such as a housing estate, or, just as an example, a hospital, they factor in traffic management at the early stage and even build it before construction is underway? Radical, I know.

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That's called planning ahead! I think they're worried that when they remove the 2 roundabouts at the QB, (and replace it with one big one) the traffic flow might be improved.......therefore, build 2 more as soon as possible, just to slow it down again.

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I guess you have driven around Basingstoke - in the 80's roundabouts were 'the answer'.


In many ways the DOT is stuck - the whole section Peel Road, QB and Braddan needs modernisation but you cannot alter the TT course (quite why I don't know - after all it is purely an arbitary choice of road made some 90years ago - a race could still be a race even if the course was slightly altered) - thus the disused railway line cannot be merged into the normal road system (as would have been done elsewhere) and we can't get a large QB roundabout that would more easily allow the two key routes to cross each other.

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I guess you have driven around Basingstoke - in the 80's roundabouts were 'the answer'.


In many ways the DOT is stuck - the whole section Peel Road, QB and Braddan needs modernisation but you cannot alter the TT course (quite why I don't know - after all it is purely an arbitary choice of road made some 90years ago - a race could still be a race even if the course was slightly altered) - thus the disused railway line cannot be merged into the normal road system (as would have been done elsewhere) and we can't get a large QB roundabout that would more easily allow the two key routes to cross each other.

Frances,your always quoting England as solutions for problems over here.Take the blinkers off and realise that england is a big shithole,if it was that great why is the island infested with know it alls like yourself?

The answer to traffic problems is less cars....simple

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As this is the major junction for entering Douglas from South, West and North - I quite like the idea (I think that was mentioned earlier) of widening the road to include the TT access road. 5 ft crash barriers could be erected during TT - and sat in preset holes in the road so that the access road could be 'separated' and used during racing.


A four lane solution would allow traffic (coming down from the hospital to filter into one lane) and speed up traffic flow in/out of Douglas. Widening the QB where feasible - ideally with a lane that allows cars coming from the North to filter left onto Peel Road without having to give way and a similar lane for traffic turning south from Peel Road.


Though, obviously the best solution is free buses and less cars, yellow school buses, and changing school start times etc. etc.

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Frances,your always quoting England as solutions for problems over here.Take the blinkers off and realise that england is a big shithole,if it was that great why is the island infested with know it alls like yourself?

The answer to traffic problems is less cars....simple

I use other examples as well - maybe France is also the large pile of Merde as well ? - and how do you get rid of cars ? - tax them? require the likes of Stu Peters to give up them up as an example to the rest? - I make extensive use of the bus system but still need a car for evenings, Sundays etc and to reach places not served by the Bus. For some 25 years whilst teaching I didn't have a car as all my professional life (+ most entertainment) was in London and I bought a house within walking distance of the station and Universities at which I worked - though I know of a few other similar car-less academics such becomes very difficult once you have a young family.

Maybe moving more jobs out to Peel and Ramsey would help - maybe taxing the provision of car-parking spaces in Douglas ? Though I will get berated again maybe a similar road-use charge like London's congestion charge (very expensive to administer but made a vast difference to London) or maybe Cambridge's system which virtually bans cars from the centre - I'm old enough to rember Douglas when there was no rush hour but those days are gone (they also corresponded to the time when there was virtaully no jobs most of the year)

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