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[BBC News] Roundabouts to boost traffic flow


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I don't know why the don't just use traffic lights......


We'll have less of that talk. It is roundabouts or nothing on the IoM, after all local motorists are able to use them with such ease :blink:


And they'll add lots of loose chippings to make it more exciting!

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The problem with needing more roads and roundabouts stems from the failure to adequately support the economy and job market it outlying towns. Get some jobs, factories and offices in Ramsey, Peel and south.


Douglas will soon be one big roundabout, and DoT logic will probably make it one way so you need to do another lap if you miss your exit. M25 will have nothing on us.

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Doh - the DoT will not be happy until every junction on the island is massive roundabout, even the ones in the middle of nowhere... It's a small island not blooodyMilton Keynes (the capital of roundabouts)


I agree, less cars - lets get walking people ;)


i would guess everyone advocating less cars actually means less of OTHER peoples cars so they can get through in theirs??

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Look, the idea of roundabouts are not a bad thing, it is just the manx DoT's implementation of them that sucks.


Outside the Police Station, the Roundabout has a 1.5m wide cobbled section. Cars REFUSE to drive over it in fear that it will break their fragile little cars. HOWEVER, if they do NOT drive over it when coming from the Sea Terminal, they block the left hand lane leading to the bridge.


At the top of Anagh Coar, when approaching the large Roundabout from B&Q, the left hand lane (in the Highway Code) is for traffic turning left, and going straight on. Yet the DoT has made this lane left turn only, preferring to use the right hand lane for straight on, but the lines ON the roundabout point towards you being in the left hand lane for straight on.


And I really dont want to have to start with what is wrong with the Groves Road fiasco.

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some Dutch suburban roundabouts have a small raised curb set in the middle of the road to enforce the use of certain lanes for specific exits - seems to work very well once you get used to it - also guarantees you don't take it at speed! but not sure how large commercial traffic is handled - my own experience of most of these was in Den Haag suburbs where possibly heavy traffic is banned.

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Though, obviously the best solution is free buses and less cars, yellow school buses, and changing school start times etc. etc.

Start with free buses for government employees and make sure they are actively encouraged to use them - free buses for all wouldn't work, imo, but the gov is the biggest employer and should lead by example.


Relocate some departments to Ramsay and other places to spread traffic load - it's 2007, we've got email and loads of other funny things to help you work - sitting in the same town is not necessary.


I like the idea of the yellow buses - cuts down on the school run big style. Even better would be more "walking schoolbus" schemes and letting the little darlings walk or cycle to school. "Oh..too dangerous to cycle with all them cars around" you say? Well, if more kids cycle, then less kids are in cars -> less cars on the roads the kids use to reach the school - simple.


School starting times: school in Germany started at 07.45am and finished at 1pm - maybe no need to change it in such radical way, but staggering the hours to spread out traffic might help.


Then again - trying anything like that would assume that common sense is used and also requires a willingness to try new things, meaning it ain't gonna happen - installing more roundabouts is so much easier...

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Outside the Police Station, the Roundabout has a 1.5m wide cobbled section. Cars REFUSE to drive over it in fear that it will break their fragile little cars.


To a lot of people they look like a pavement so they don't drive over them. I don't think it's 100% clear to everyone if they meant to drive on the cobbled section or not. If you are meant to drive on them they why not just tarmac is so that it look like the rest of the road rather than a pavement / pedestrian refuge?


Edit to add - For instance, look at this old thread re the Athol St junction to get two opposing views on how that should be handled



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why yellow school buses - there are already special buses for most secondary and some rural schools (eg Cloth Workers at Peel has a double decker arriving around 8.40 from the north), the Port Erin to Peel bus is so timed to provide a school service up Foxdale from castle Rushen high and I'm sure there are special buses for Andreas school.


Many pupils in Peel walk to/from school - my guess is that the school run is a Douglas thing

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The school run is a parent thing. Why kids can't be expected to walk 1km to school is beyond me. With so much whinging about getting exercise and the damage that PS does in stopping kids play the walk should be compulsory.


In fact why not make any car journey of less that 1 mile illegal. It would certainly cut down on vehicle emissions, congestion and parking problems. It would also encourage use of local shops.

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Outside the Police Station, the Roundabout has a 1.5m wide cobbled section. Cars REFUSE to drive over it in fear that it will break their fragile little cars.


To a lot of people they look like a pavement so they don't drive over them. I don't think it's 100% clear to everyone if they meant to drive on the cobbled section or not. If you are meant to drive on them they why not just tarmac is so that it look like the rest of the road rather than a pavement / pedestrian refuge?





i think the cobbled part is mainly for the use of articulated lorries and the like that could not make the turn if the whole island was raised.

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HOWEVER, if they do NOT drive over it when coming from the Sea Terminal, they block the left hand lane leading to the bridge.



if dylans didn't insist on not staying in lane until they actually got onto the roundabout it probably wouldn't be a problem for most cars. the pavement is wide enough there to pinch a bit and make the left hand lane a little wider if need be.

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i think the cobbled part is mainly for the use of articulated lorries and the like that could not make the turn if the whole island was raised.


I don't really understand why it's not just tarmac then. I have seen pedestrians stand on the cobbles at the one by the Police Station (don't know why as there's a crossing just outside the Steam Packet offices) which is a bit dodgy. Why not remove any doubt by tarmacing it and say its road or raise the cobbles and say it's pavement?

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i think the cobbled part is mainly for the use of articulated lorries and the like that could not make the turn if the whole island was raised.


I don't really understand why it's not just tarmac then. I have seen pedestrians stand on the cobbles at the one by the Police Station (don't know why as there's a crossing just outside the Steam Packet offices) which is a bit dodgy. Why not remove any doubt by tarmacing it and say its road or raise the cobbles and say it's pavement?



I honestly dont think the DOT know :P

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