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[BBC News] Roundabouts to boost traffic flow


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by having it cobbled it gives the impresssion of a bigger roundabout that has to be driven around. if you use the cobbles, you can 'straight line' and take them at higher speeds which i guess is undesireable. the cobbles do what they are supposed to which is probably not a bad thing.

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by having it cobbled it gives the impresssion of a bigger roundabout that has to be driven around. if you use the cobbles, you can 'straight line' and take them at higher speeds which i guess is undesireable. the cobbles do what they are supposed to which is probably not a bad thing.


Eh? To 'straight line' that Roundabout, I expect I would have to put my jeep in 4wd low. They are confusing, and should be removed.

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I think that mini roundabouts create a problem in as much that there is not enough space between opposing cars, so they sit and stare at eachother, waiting to see who will make the first move! Plus, once moving, traffic streams across without looking to see if someone has started a legitimate manouvere on their left!


It may be adviseable to have a reminder sign on the approach as nobody seems capable of using roundabouts correctly!

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That's called planning ahead! I think they're worried that when they remove the 2 roundabouts at the QB, (and replace it with one big one) the traffic flow might be improved.......therefore, build 2 more as soon as possible, just to slow it down again.



Lots of traffic doesn't need to go near Quarter Bridge but they seem to be attracted to it.


The preferred route is supposed to be up Vicarage Road and on to the south.

Or past the Nunnery and up to the roundabout if you are going out of Douglas.

Even when you are near Groves Road you can filter round by the MEA and NSC thus avoiding Quarter Bridge.

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today when the the roads were closed (about 2.30) I had occasion to travel from Saddle Road into town, there was no traffic towards the QB and very little along spring valley, but Groves Road was absolutely jammed solid both directions, moving very slowly until Pulrose bridge (where you can take alternative routes and get away from the crush!)


When did you ever see a policeman on 'point duty' ( you have to be over a certain age to even know what that is !)

There was even a police car stuck in the jam, just seeming to be resigned to being stuck there :(


Until the Police and DoT get their heads together (or get their heads banged together by someone) nothing will change :P

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That's called planning ahead! I think they're worried that when they remove the 2 roundabouts at the QB, (and replace it with one big one) the traffic flow might be improved.......therefore, build 2 more as soon as possible, just to slow it down again.



Lots of traffic doesn't need to go near Quarter Bridge but they seem to be attracted to it.


The preferred route is supposed to be up Vicarage Road and on to the south.

Or past the Nunnery and up to the roundabout if you are going out of Douglas.

Even when you are near Groves Road you can filter round by the MEA and NSC thus avoiding Quarter Bridge.


people develop a habit of going certain routes from A-B. some people in the mornings coming into douglas from peel think its quicker to turn up saddle road and come out opposite mylchreests, then turn left to QB. this is logical in that the groves roads traffic lights create gaps in the traffic and once at QB you have right of way over traffic from bradden bridge.

the real problem is that there is just too much traffic tryting to get into douglas through 4 or 5 main junctions. when bradden bridge shuts shortly it is going to be a nightrmare. i remember a few years ago when leigh terrace was closed and the transport minister said use an alternative route?? QB/groves road was about it unless you fancied going via bradden/onchan. the alternative routes for bradden bridge will be interesting?? by the time it reopens people will have forgotton how to get into douglas via bradden bridge... realistically more parts of douglas need to be one way and people need to use the lesser roads through town.

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  • 3 weeks later...
That's called planning ahead! I think they're worried that when they remove the 2 roundabouts at the QB, (and replace it with one big one) the traffic flow might be improved.......therefore, build 2 more as soon as possible, just to slow it down again.



Lots of traffic doesn't need to go near Quarter Bridge but they seem to be attracted to it.


The preferred route is supposed to be up Vicarage Road and on to the south.

Or past the Nunnery and up to the roundabout if you are going out of Douglas.

Even when you are near Groves Road you can filter round by the MEA and NSC thus avoiding Quarter Bridge.


people develop a habit of going certain routes from A-B. some people in the mornings coming into douglas from peel think its quicker to turn up saddle road and come out opposite mylchreests, then turn left to QB. this is logical in that the groves roads traffic lights create gaps in the traffic and once at QB you have right of way over traffic from bradden bridge.

the real problem is that there is just too much traffic tryting to get into douglas through 4 or 5 main junctions. when bradden bridge shuts shortly it is going to be a nightrmare. i remember a few years ago when leigh terrace was closed and the transport minister said use an alternative route?? QB/groves road was about it unless you fancied going via bradden/onchan. the alternative routes for bradden bridge will be interesting?? by the time it reopens people will have forgotton how to get into douglas via bradden bridge... realistically more parts of douglas need to be one way and people need to use the lesser roads through town.



When they first announced the widening of Vicarage Road at a cost of several million pounds they said there were going to be roundabouts at the bottom of Vicarage Road and at the Jubilee Oak. Tht's fine.


So what did they do? Built a huge hand-built reinforced stone wall at the bottom of Braddan Road. They are now in the proces of demolishing it........

What sort of forward planning is that in the DOT?

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I feel the urge to throw my hat into this discussion (it's a smelly old thing anyways so I don't particularly want it back). I think its a class idea, the more mini-roundabouts the better! Sometimes driving into Douglas is just plain boring and anything that spices up the daily commute is good in my books. Nothing like a little bit of car-wars to get the blood flowing in the morning!

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There would be no need for roundabouts, traffic lights, road signs etc if all the piss poor drivers were taken off the road


All drivers should be made to take a test based on skill and judgment rather than basic competence and the ability to obey rules


Like many aspects of life these days, motoring has been dumbed down for the benefit of the feeble and incompetent

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FFS a roundabout is basically a bloody good idea if people use it correctly.

When approaching a roundabout you must give way to traffic entering, or on, the roundabout from your right.

You DO NOT have to wait for traffic from your right to reach the roundabout and then give way. If they ain't at the roundabout, they ain't got right of way. It is their responsibility to give way to traffic already on the roundabout.

If you both arrive at the same time, the traffic on the right has right of way, if you get there first, you have right of way. On Guernsey they put it correctly, 'first come, first served' What's so complicated about it?

I get this every day at Governors hill, I pull out from Victoria road and some arse coming from Onchan has to hit his/her brakes because he/she is going far too fast to slow down in time when they find me in their way, they treat it as if Victoria Road is a 'T' junction. Same in the morning as I come off the mountain, although it is in my favour then and I get people behind flashing their lights and blowing their horns because I let the traffic out.

Sort it out you lot.

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From the Highway Code.....Edited for the Isle of Man


161: When reaching the roundabout you should


give priority to traffic approaching from your right (IOM - At high speed, or might be, so better just sit there and wait...just in case), unless directed otherwise by signs, road markings or traffic lights

check whether road markings allow you to enter the roundabout without giving way (IOM - Please note, that some roundabouts are marked incorrectly, please use your mobile phone to call your lawyer and confrim before moving off). If so, proceed, but still look to the right before joining (IOM - or look to the left, we will not judge you for giving way to planes above if you feel it might threaten your human rights)

watch out for vehicles already on the roundabout; be aware they may not be signalling correctly or at all (IOM - Be very aware, the vehicles that do not signal correctly apply to approx 30%, the other 69.9% fall into the 'at all' bracket)look forward before moving off to make sure traffic in front has moved off.

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FFS a roundabout is basically a bloody good idea if people use it correctly.

When approaching a roundabout you must give way to traffic entering, or on, the roundabout from your right.

You DO NOT have to wait for traffic from your right to reach the roundabout and then give way. If they ain't at the roundabout, they ain't got right of way. It is their responsibility to give way to traffic already on the roundabout.

If you both arrive at the same time, the traffic on the right has right of way, if you get there first, you have right of way. On Guernsey they put it correctly, 'first come, first served' What's so complicated about it?

I get this every day at Governors hill, I pull out from Victoria road and some arse coming from Onchan has to hit his/her brakes because he/she is going far too fast to slow down in time when they find me in their way, they treat it as if Victoria Road is a 'T' junction. Same in the morning as I come off the mountain, although it is in my favour then and I get people behind flashing their lights and blowing their horns because I let the traffic out.

Sort it out you lot.


Your still trying to make no-hoper's use the roads properly


It would be much easier to make them get the bus and treat driving as a privilege rather than a right

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I don't think a re-sit of driving test every 10 years is that much of a hardship, saying that, the majority could do with sitting it every 10 days !


I only say this as I passed my driving test at the first attempt last Friday, and in 5 days since, people have cut me up, never indicate, overtaken in a 30 (I was doing 30) they were doing roughly 50+, I am hardly perfect, however, a large share of people on the roads shouldn't be on them, and I have noticed this in just 5 DAYS !


This re-sit every decade might bring the car numbers down, and possibly cut down deaths, accidents etc.

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