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Oh Lordy!

Albert Tatlock

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From the Independent: "Prescott expected to take seat in the House of Lords".


I was hoping for a moment that, with his imminent retirement as an MP, we had seen the last of this NuShite useless lump of lard. Instead of a slap on the back and a place in the lords - he needs a slap in the face and told to go back keeping pigeons or whatever he does. This guy is the epitome of politics gone bad.

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Two jags, four houses, an inability to keep his trousers on, lapses of memory as regards paying his Council tax and now a Lordship, seems a logical move for a "working class" hero who rose from a humble beginning.

The lump of lard is a joke.

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"Prescott expected to take seat in the House of Lords".


I was hoping for a moment that, with his imminent retirement as an MP, we had seen the last of this NuShite useless lump of lard. Instead of a slap on the back and a place in the lords - he needs a slap in the face and told to go back keeping pigeons or whatever he does. This guy is the epitome of politics gone bad.

Oh really Albert?


Prescott has been an MP and represented the same constituency for the last 37 years. Could it be all those thousands of folks who have voted for him during that time know something you don't? Surely not.


I would also advise against advocating he "needs a slap in the face". There was an egg-thrower Prescott gave a good thumping to during one election campaign - which probably put his share of the vote up! And at the age of 65 wasn't he knocking off some bint 25 years his junior? You know Albert, you're almost sounding jealous....

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Only his family members and the people of the pie shops in his constituancy would really want to vote for him, theres a whole load of pie shops up north, must be, have you seen the size of him? and to get voted in so many times...Amaaaaazing.


Yeah Albert, you havent eaten half as many pies a John, wimpy jealous boy!

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"Prescott expected to take seat in the House of Lords".


I was hoping for a moment that, with his imminent retirement as an MP, we had seen the last of this NuShite useless lump of lard. Instead of a slap on the back and a place in the lords - he needs a slap in the face and told to go back keeping pigeons or whatever he does. This guy is the epitome of politics gone bad.

Oh really Albert?


Prescott has been an MP and represented the same constituency for the last 37 years. Could it be all those thousands of folks who have voted for him during that time know something you don't? Surely not.


I would also advise against advocating he "needs a slap in the face". There was an egg-thrower Prescott gave a good thumping to during one election campaign - which probably put his share of the vote up! And at the age of 65 wasn't he knocking off some bint 25 years his junior? You know Albert, you're almost sounding jealous....

Just proves that they really are a bunch of thick f***ers in Hull...elected him and built half their houses on a flood plain. I admire men of principal...but he sold his out by joining the establishment. Can't stand the man.

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So having long-standing representation whose efforts you are happy with makes you a thick f~cker does it? Not a sweeping statement based on prejudice whatsoever.


OK Albert, so what principals did Prezza sell out and to exactly which establishment? I mean, why stop digging when you're in so deep already...


Incidentally, on checking she wasn't 25 years his junior but only 23 as he was 65 and she was 42 . Sorry about that, I was giving him more credit than his due.

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Well teflon-shoulders, any politician who thumps a voter who deserves it is ok with me.


I've always thought he was the perfect sop to the trade unions and the awkward squad. With his background he was ideal to be "their man right up there at the seat of power" ultimately to keep them all quiet. Which is why he was made Deputy and I can't fault the reasoning. As per all lefty/trades/local-boy-made-good politicians he got a terrible press. The "two-jags" label is a classic. He has his own car, which just happens to be a jag, but he uses the company car, also a jag, while on business i.e. just like any other company car driver. Blair was right in calling parts of the media "a feral beast obsessed with impact". But his importance in keeping the "old guard" quiet was reinforced to me when he was caught bonking the lower orders but kept on minus any real responsibility. All in all quite a character which is rare in our stuffy political system.


Oh well Albert, just keep reading your Daily Mail....

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Me too. Like I said, quite a colourful character. I think Spitting Image had it just right when they portrayed Major as being just all grey. That, to me, is a problem. The fewer "characters" like Prescott and Boris the more our politicians all just start to look and sound the same i.e. faceless suits with party soundbites. Not that I would trust folks like Boris with anything important but they certainly brighten the place up and frequently give good value when they get up on their hind legs to say something.


Oh well teflon-shoulders, just keep reading your Indie...

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