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Effin Fireworks


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Pardon the Pun regarding people making enough noise!!!!



I'm not sure I'd go so far as to ring the police, it just annoys me that some people are very inconsiderate and don't think that they may be disturbing others. You can make allowances for bonfire night and organised events, you expect and accept the noise.

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QUOTE(UniSol @ Nov 6 2004, 09:06 PM)

Hmmm, you must be getting old.




You cheeky young scamp! mad.gif I'm only 32, that's not old...........is it????


Nah, she can't be that deaf, otherwise she wouldn't hear them!

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Hey, I agree Minnie.


I do not mind Guy Fawkes night but this last week I have been subjected to bangs going off up until 10pm at night. My cat is a nervous wreck.


It is those folk that have dogs I feel sorry for. Dogs seem to suffer more from the relentless noise.


Alex Downie MHK introduced a private members bill in the Keys over a year ago, to regulate the sale and letting off of fireworks and it still has not been passed. I do not know why.


And tonight it is hapening all over again. Bang bang bang.


The situation is getting out of hand and I personally think the sale of fireworks to the general public should be banned outright except for organisations doing public displays or may be people wanting to celebrate birthdays but having to get a permit to do so first.


And come Christmas and the New year we will be subject to it all again.


The way it is at the moment, anyone can go to shop that sells fireworks and buy enough of them and then make a bomb. So surely for security reasons the Manx Government should have taken action to address this matter long before now. And indeed the UK Government.


I do genuinely feel sorry for the frightened animals as I know it does affect quite a lot and I'm rather fond of beasties myself.

Seriously though, you've been hearing fireworks up until 10pm? I don't think you've much to complain about because as someone living right in the middle of douglas they're going off a hell of a lot later than that most nights for the last few weeks!


Yes it can be annoying I admit, but banning them from anyone not with a permit or running an 'official' display is a nanny state sort of thing that we really don't need, and it only serves to spoil traditional enjoyment for this time of year that many of us have grown up enjoying.


You're quite right to say that if people were more responsible then we wouldn't need laws like that, but things with youngsters messing about with fireworks are no worse than they were when I was a nipper 20 odd years back.


I don't know if there's anything like this in place already but if they had laws to deal with people who go in a shop, buy fireworks then flog them to the scallywags outside like they have for people buying booze for kids it'd possibly help a bit.


I do appreciate your argument but I just think it's a bit over the top especially when you mention about people potentially making bombs from fireworks!

When was the last bomb attack over here? I know I miss the news sometimes but I don't recall noticing that kind of thing being a regular menace on the island despite fireworks being readily available for donkey's years.

The fact is that if some nutcase wanted to do something nasty like that they sure as hell wouldn't use fireworks as they're not at all efficient for that kind of use compared with things you can make from common household goods if you know about that kind of thing.

I very much hope we never have cause to worry about that kind of thing over here, but using potential bombs as an argument for banning fireworks? This isn't beirut you know.


The thing that would make the most difference to people getting fed up with fireworks being let off at all times would be some of the shop employees showing just a tiny amount of savvy, or actually being the slightest bit bothered about who they're flogging them to.


It's not really that hard to tell the difference between a group of blatant ne'erdowells coming in to buy a bundle of cheap rockets to go with their carrier bag full of WKD for their entertainment in the park, and a genuine person who's holding a proper fireworks display somewhere to entertain their family/friends/club etc (ruling out the odd crafty bugger that really makes an effort to be convincing) that's likely to be doing it at a sensible hour and to have invited the neighbours anyway or at least have warned them.

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"I do appreciate your argument but I just think it's a bit over the top especially when you mention about people potentially making bombs from fireworks!

When was the last bomb attack over here? I know I miss the news sometimes but I don't recall noticing that kind of thing being a regular menace on the island despite fireworks being readily available for donkey's years."


The people in the USA thought the same thing before the twin towers were hit.



Sorry, I disagree.


Fireworks should be restricted from the public buying them off the shelf.

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"I do appreciate your argument but I just think it's a bit over the top especially when you mention about people potentially making bombs from fireworks!

When was the last bomb attack over here? I know I miss the news sometimes but I don't recall noticing that kind of thing being a regular menace on the island despite fireworks being readily available for donkey's years."


The people in the USA thought the same thing before the twin towers were hit.



Sorry, I disagree.


Fireworks should be restricted from the public buying them off the shelf.


The twin towers weren't hit by fireworks they were hit by massive bombs, namely planes with full tanks of juice.

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So on the one hand you're saying this:

Most sensible people, like mission, like to have a bash with some colourful splendour. I see no wrong in that.


But on the other, this:

Fireworks should be restricted from the public buying them off the shelf.
Yes I know that there are lots of really terrible people who seem to take glee in destroying other peoples' lives through acts of terrorism but


The people in the USA thought the same thing before the twin towers were hit.

That's perhaps the pale-est (most pale probably?) comparison I've ever heard. You're not seriously comparing a hijacked airliner to someone with a couple of Black Cat Galactic Booms or whatever they might be called?!

As I said, having some experience from blowing stuff up, fireworks really are useless and you'd need tons of money to buy enough fireworks to do anything much compared to spending a few quid on a some readily available 'ingredients' which I wouldn't dream of going into. It's like saying someone's going to win this year's Le Mans on a Kettler pedal kart (ages 5-9)!


Don't get me wrong as I'm not after some needless bickering but it's a fairly empty argument dude.

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We kept our cat in last year when we had our fireworks and she was scared stiff. Literally, as stiff as a board she was. She wasn't able to meow for a while after and it was a good few days before she was anywhere near normal again. This year, she was off out on her nightly hunt around the fields, we had the fireworks and she was home later on, as right as rain she was. We are lucky, it must be much worse for dog owners, it's not like their pets have the choice.


On Saturday night I was driving along past some houses when "BOOM!", there was an explosion in the garden next to me, my car shook and my heart missed a beat. It took me a few seconds to realise it was a firework but I was still in shock. The firework was let off right beside the road too, only a few feet from my car. Surely there are laws against that. D*ckheads, I mean, what a bunch of f*ckwitts. Unfortunately it's people like that who'll get them banned.

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BTW the last firework I remember hearing was at about 12:30am  :angry:


I'm positive my old man mentioned something about a legal restriction on the times fireworks could be set off on any other day than New Year, Bonfire and Chinese New Year. Something that came in this year? Ringing the police would be kinda pointless though as unless it's your neighbour and you can see them in the garden doing it, all you have to report is a loud bang and a general direction. I doubt they'll send out the search parties for a couple of kids laden with bangers.


It doesn't bother me personally as I'm such an infrequent sleeper, but it does wind my dog up. If my old man is wrong, I'd probably quite like to see something like that brought in. No home firework displays after 9.30pm say.


I dunno, never really seen the attraction of them anyway. They have names for people who stare open mouthed at bright things and murmur 'Oooo, shiny!' while letting their heads list to one side....

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i just finished fixing my mates computer in birch hill last night and i thought i was in xxxxxxx faluja when i got outside.. stopped off at the petrol station in the village and the bang were that loud they could've been set off across the road.

fireworks (although i hate the noise bound bastards) are fine if used sensibly, it's when the immature little ***** who are finally old enough to buy them get a hold of a few and start blowing up bins and letting them off all over the place.


and i'm 21 which isn't that old. the Permit idea is genious and should be passed before christmas comes around, and the penalty for any teenager found with fireworks should be death by public burning at the stake.

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Although I don't particularly like fireworks (once you've seen one you've seen em all), it is only once a year.


And as usual it rained on firework night so some people no doubt had some left over.


There was a big display set off on Fenella beach last night, my dog hated it, but he hates cyclists too, and I doubt that's enough to ban them ;-)


Banning them from the general public because of a few idiots is way too harsh.


(As far as I know, setting fireworks off at any time other than the dates you've mentioned is banned Ans....though not 100% on that)

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I also thought there was some sort of legislation about the use of fireworks at times other than specified. Again, I'm not 100% sure either and I guess it would be hard to enforce unless the person complaining was in the direct vicinity of the "display".


Trouble is, Alex, it's not only once a year. Five nights in a row they've been going off around my neighbourhood, some nights until well after 10pm.......pretty inconsiderate if you ask me, especially to people with children in bed, and pets.

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