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Tabula Rasa


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Got a beta key but never installed/tried it. How is it different from planetside? Played that for a while, and it was fun for a bit but in the end turned into whoever had the most players won. Is this better?


I never got round to playing Planetside, so I can't really compare the two.


In Tabula Rasa, all player characters are on the same side, fighting AI monsters and things. You can do instances solo or in a group, and they scale accordingly. If you don't like your character, you can "clone" your high level character and change the clone from, say, a melee specialist to a healer. It's got lots of little touches which make it very streamlined and pretty much hassle-free. And it plays like a fast-paced third person shooter, instead of World of WarBastardCraft.


The beta is fairly well implemented, but from what I've read there's a lot of quests yet to be put in, and there's a few annoying glitches. On the whole, it feels like it gives a good account of what to expect from the full game. And guilds being able to declare war on each other? Genius.


One warning though - the first hour or so is a bit boring, but once you've got a couple of waypoints for teleporting and stuff, you'll start to see what it's really meant to be like.

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I liked Planetside. Closed beta?


Yes and no - the closed beta is kinda closed, but if you pre-order the game through www.plaync.com for £3.50, you get access to the closed beta, and some goodies for the full game. So, erm, yes and no :D

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In Tabula Rasa, all player characters are on the same side, fighting AI monsters and things.


Hmm, a pve planetside could be good, provided it's not a lag fest. Wonder if me keys still valid? :)


Ans: it was closed when I looked, I got me key via eurogamer.

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