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Did You Know ?


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Did you know that you can use cocaine and heroin and still be good parents ............???


did you know you can neglect , assault and abuse your children and social services on the isle of man will support you .....??


did you know that you can emotionally and mentally abuse your children and this will also be supported by them .........????


did you know that you can engage in domestic violence , threaten teachers and neighbours and social services will say that this is a normal home with a few problems ....????


did you know that children can be placed on the at risk register for the second time , social services will say that the person who is at fault and has been repeatedly abusing children for 6 years can change .........???



did you know that if you use the proper and correct proceedures for making compliants about social services and their misconduct , malpractice and gross negliegence the dept. will then attempt to isolate , silence , censor , frustrate ,discredit and villify you !!


Did you know that well known accomplished liars who misuse alcohol and illegal and illicit substances , engage in violence and cruelty are well known to the police are in a volitile relationship .He a convicted drug dealer / user / arsonist both having long records for criminal activities can make an allegation which is totally untrue and unfounded and social services will jump all over it despite the evidence and facts before them !!! and the questionable characters of both of these persons speak for themselves . Yet you can be guilty of NO CRIME see the equality and justice you will receive for trying to protect your children !!!!



a friend of the people !!!!



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I can't believe that in fact I don't and unless you're going to back it up with something then I'll continue not to.


Children are very protected on the island, if a child turns up to school half a dozen times covered in bruises, you get investigated if someone reports it. It may just mean a chat, they talk to the parents and they talk to the child and their siblings, they will go to your place of work to speak to you if they think the matter could be serious.


Children who a hospitalised with specific injuries usually have their cases reported to social services. I'm also pretty sure that known drug addicts with children have a 'family liaison officer' or whatever they call them now,who visits them if required.

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I can't believe that in fact I don't and unless you're going to back it up with something then I'll continue not to.


Children are very protected on the island, if a child turns up to school half a dozen times covered in bruises, you get investigated if someone reports it. It may just mean a chat, they talk to the parents and they talk to the child and their siblings, they will go to your place of work to speak to you if they think the matter could be serious.


Children who a hospitalised with specific injuries usually have their cases reported to social services. I'm also pretty sure that known drug addicts with children have a 'family liaison officer' or whatever they call them now,who visits them if required.





I can promise you that everything I have stated is the truth I have recorded the meetings onto cd I find it hard to believe myself

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I can believe it. I have little faith in social services; you only have to remember the Newberry trial and the inquiry following that.




I want to say in response to you that the same professionals named in the report and the manx newspapers are the same ones involved in this attrociety they have not even been disaplined over what happened in that report i find this appalling . 132 failings were listed against that dept because of certain so called professionals and their very questionable practices

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Yes why not go the whole hog and get these poor misunderstood parents who through all these excuses for being a pair of bastards, a free holiday to help them calm on the tax payers expense then improve the money they get so they can get even more drunk, but be so drunk only one punch in 5 lands on the kid and whilst we are at it we can give the kids counceling on why there parents do that to them and help them understand its not their fault but social services are too lazy to anything about it but will show them how to dodge the punches, or at least make sure they land in unseen places so nobody reports it and causes social workers to stop writing lengthy reports that nobody reads and get off their lazy arses and do something, or failing that how to get hit so hard as to maim or kill them so someone will finaly do something about the abusers :angry:

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Did you know.... that this is not an anonymous soapbox for you to conduct a smear campaign against people without irrefutable evidence. This isn't the first time you've been on here banging your drum about this, please think very carefully about what you post or you may leave us with little option but to take some sort of action.

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Did you know.... that this is not an anonymous soapbox for you to conduct a smear campaign against people without irrefutable evidence. This isn't the first time you've been on here banging your drum about this, please think very carefully about what you post or you may leave us with little option but to take some sort of action.



Im not anonymous you can have my name and address if you like everything I state is true and have evidence to back everything up I havent mentioned names so what is the problem ?


The smear campaign as you sugguest has and is being run by the dirty tricks department in social services

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It sounds like a really bad scenario? and youv'e got to feel sorry for the kids involved.

But , speaking as someone who has had first hand experience of the protectionist mentality that exists in Manx govm't Orginisations, and the lengths they will go to protect their own ,I can quite believe it!



Anybody who thinks these sort of things don't go on in the Isle of Man is ,very very naive!!!

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Bit of an awkward situation you have yourself in there...I mean, you seemed to of tried to help but you can't seem to be able to do anything.


Obviously this might not be a good idea, but perhaps if you just let EVERYTHING out, names etc, WITH the evidence, upload conversations/whatnot, perhaps not everything, but something solid, then it will get the public aware, there IS power in numbers. Perhaps just try everything at once, on here, the newspapers, the radio. Obviously it might not be in the Manx media's "interest" to publish such a story, but if you have solid proof, anything must surely be worth a shot?

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I think the best course of action might be to take some legal advice before posting anything on here.


No offence to anyone involved but the last thing the forum needs is another threat of a lawsuit...

Back in the Day! when Manx Radio was running with the mannin Line,

At the start of each Programme an announcement was made saying that the views expressed were purely those of the indiviual and in no way reflected those of Manx Radio!


Surely the same applies with M/F?

How can M/F be held responsible for the views of an individual??

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I think the best course of action might be to take some legal advice before posting anything on here.


No offence to anyone involved but the last thing the forum needs is another threat of a lawsuit...

Back in the Day! when Manx Radio was running with the mannin Line,

At the start of each Programme an announcement was made saying that the views expressed were purely those of the indiviual and in no way reflected those of Manx Radio!


Surely the same applies with M/F?

How can M/F be held responsible for the views of an individual??


thank you

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