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Let's just say you are wrong.


I'm not singling you out individually here but the point needs to be made. We've been down this road already this year and it was a costly exercise for the individual invloved and the admins. My personal view is that I'd rather have this online community here when I want to access it. If I were to post potentially contentious opinions, I'd be putting the greater commnity at risk and that's not on. It's very simple (and free) to set up a forum and anyone that wants to say what the hell they like can quite easily do so but sadly, it seems they want a mass audience and therefore put the likes of places like this at risk in so doing.


My message (which I am sure is echoed by many regulars on here) is don't - take your issues elsewhere because, quite frankly, we don't want to read them!

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I don't mind being singled out, I understand that it's my views that I express and I may very easily be wrong. The only thing with having a mass audience is the ability to cover costs. I do think that some of the things posted on here shouldn't be here, for example the andy kershaw thread. That was just simply gossip and was uncalled for, but with this thread, there seems to be the possibility of children's welfare at stake, and the original poster has made it clear that they have solid proof.


As my edit might of made clear, I think children's welfare comes above all else and if the poster has a valid point (me personally, I think that I do NOT know the two sides of the story, and lets face it, there will be, but they seem pretty confident), and so something NEEDS to done, we shouldn't shy away from the "legal consequences", but possibly only when the poster supplies solid proof.

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and the original poster has made it clear that they have solid proof.

He says he has proof - we haven't!


As my edit might of made clear, I think children's welfare comes above all else and if the poster has a valid point (me personally, I think that I do NOT know the two sides of the story, and lets face it, there will be, but they seem pretty confident), and so something NEEDS to done, we shouldn't shy away from the "legal consequences", but possibly only when the poster supplies solid proof.

Newspaper? Radio? BBC? All looking for stories all the time - meet with them, supply proof and they'll run a story...

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and the original poster has made it clear that they have solid proof.

He says he has proof - we haven't!



Well I did say that perhaps the original poster would upload the evidence.


As my edit might of made clear, I think children's welfare comes above all else and if the poster has a valid point (me personally, I think that I do NOT know the two sides of the story, and lets face it, there will be, but they seem pretty confident), and so something NEEDS to done, we shouldn't shy away from the "legal consequences", but possibly only when the poster supplies solid proof.

Newspaper? Radio? BBC? All looking for stories all the time - meet with them, supply proof and they'll run a story...


Ahhhhh, the idealogical "free press".


I also did suggest that the original poster sends the story with proof to the papers and manx radio, although I do not know what ties, if any, the press has with the government.

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Lets look at some facts nobody has stated an individual case or person involved in a certian case. As for an threatened legal case in law it is up to the plaintive to prove behond doubt that the statements made are totaly untrue if any one point cannot be fully disputed then the case fails. Whatever has been stated as one person said above all come the plight of the child in in all cases it should be erred on the side of its safety no matter what beaurocratic rules apply. Abuse of a child be it physical mental or sexual cannot be tolerated in any form, and any person be they professional or lay who does not act swiftly to take that child from the abuse is also guilty of condoning the abuse. There are many good social workers who strive hard to achieve this but their efforts are mared by the publicity surrounding the beurocratic jobs worths. So lets stop bickering about the rights and wrongs of who said what and put more effort into the fact this abuse happens and in some cases it is handled badly causing pain to children involved and only through exposing failures in the system can it improve because I am sure any sure any decent social worker or child psychologist who reads this forum will see that concerns are raised and look at ways it can be improved, the ones in this line of work who dont care will use forms of attack to defend theirselves. So all take a step back and think, dont fight each other fight the abuse of these children. In conclusion for the first time I wont put an emoticon at the end of this because not can show how stongly I feel.

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Well said my jmbms !


Whilst I understand fully the views expressed by some of the senior members ,and the need to make sure that the posts that appear on this forum are factually correct , the underlying fear(for want of a better word) of legal action from the watching" powers that be " ,both governmental and otherwise, is coming through loud and clear.

My own personal experience of dealing with these people ,tells me that the only way to deal with them is to stand firm, and not be cowed or bullied in any way .

It would be a very sad indictment as to the moral fibre of the people running this forum if truthful and interesting views were not aired for fear of reprisal !.

The only way to deal with these bastards is ,to drag them out from behind their desks, identify them and make them accountable .

Something that doesn't happen very often on this island !

On the subject of the health services!

I think we all agree that genuine mistakes are made at times and shit happens as they say?,

"But " when the same mistakes are being made time after time and nothing is being done and nobody is accountable

then something is very badly wrong and needs to be addressed,not swept under the carpet as per usual?

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