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Why Was My Thread Stopped ?


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Could you please explain why my thread was pulled , I have not liabled , slandered any person and state again I TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY THING I HAVE STATED AND WHATEVER CONSEQUENCES SHOULD ARISE .

This is a violation of my right to express freedom of speech .

Everything I stated is TRUE I can prove this with documentation , audio recordings and newspaper articles .

So I would appreciate it if you could reopen my thread as this is definitely a concern to the general public many thanks ,

citizen ,

a friend of the people .


" the great only appear great because we are living on our knees ! "

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Could you please explain why my thread was pulled , I have not liabled , slandered any person and state again I TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY THING I HAVE STATED AND WHATEVER CONSEQUENCES SHOULD ARISE .


And who are you? We've no idea.


This is a violation of my right to express freedom of speech .


No it isn't. You're using this forum by permission of the owners, it's not your forum, and you cannot do or say what you like. You don't have any right of freedom on this forum. If you want freedom to say what you like, start your own site.


Everything I stated is TRUE I can prove this with documentation , audio recordings and newspaper articles .


But you've not mentioned anything specific, just hidden references, how can unspecifics be proved?

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You just don't get it do you?


Go away and pester someone else.



I dont believe I pestering anyone maybe you can turn a blind eye to child abuse and child abusers but some of us with a little intelligence and a back bone think differently , so with all due respect why dont you just shut your cake hole , over 800 people have read that post in 12 hours and 40 people have been interested enough to reply .

Dont like it dont read it !!

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You're still mising the point. I'm not saying I'm not concerned for the welfare of children, just the manner in which you're trying to bring it to the attention of the masses.


Anyway, you were bleating about free speech - here's a forum that lets you say what you like - clicky - I'm sure you'll be very welcome there.

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You're still mising the point. I'm not saying I'm not concerned for the welfare of children, just the manner in which you're trying to bring it to the attention of the masses.


Anyway, you were bleating about free speech - here's a forum that lets you say what you like - clicky - I'm sure you'll be very welcome there.



Listen I have as much right to discuss topics on here which I find relevant as does anyone else next you will be telling me that persons have the right to ride rough shod over peoples rights well let me inform you that no one is above the law and there is not one law for one and one for another .

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Listen I have as much right to discuss topics on here which I find relevant as does anyone else next you will be telling me that persons have the right to ride rough shod over peoples rights well let me inform you that no one is above the law and there is not one law for one and one for another .


Yes you do have that right, but only within the confines of what's deemed acceptable by those who run the board. Now sod off and stop banging on about your rights until you understand how they actually operate and are exercised, or at least start throwing in a comma now and again so that your ravings are a bit easier on the eye.

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Listen I have as much right to discuss topics on here which I find relevant as does anyone else next you will be telling me that persons have the right to ride rough shod over peoples rights well let me inform you that no one is above the law and there is not one law for one and one for another .


Yes you do have that right, but only within the confines of what's deemed acceptable by those who run the board. Now sod off and stop banging on about your rights until you understand how they actually operate and are exercised, or at least start throwing in a comma now and again so that your ravings are a bit easier on the eye.



Why does this site belong to you ? , well until it does why dont you learn to repect other peoples opinions and views .

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Why does this site belong to you ? , well until it does why dont you learn to repect other peoples opinions and views .


Erm, would it not have been the moderators of the forum, and therefore the representatives of the owners, who binned your post (no idea what it was about as I never read it). This is not your personal sounding board and therefore there is no infringement of any rights if the moderators decide to bin a topic or post. If you really have a proper issue to raise, and are not just simply a forum troll, I suggest that you got through the proper channels to address it. Contrary to the belief of some a public forum is not the place to sort ou all problems.


Please don't come back with another agressive response as I'm just trying to be helpful.





* edited for spelling *

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