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Celtic League Support Taser Gun

Albert Tatlock

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I think everyone who lives on Parliament Street in Ramsey should be issued with tasers, and then when the scummy chavs start fighting/puking/shagging and/or smashing windows on Friday and Saturday nights, the residents can simply open their windows and taser the little bastards until their bollocks pop.


Seconded. Douglas front could do with the same. F***wits who can't drink and their shrill little girlfriends screaming all night long. Pathetic.

Whilst were on the subject how about doing the pubs etc who happily allow them to swill till absolutley out of their sad little heads then let them out onto the streets when they've taken the money.

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I think everyone who lives on Parliament Street in Ramsey should be issued with tasers, and then when the scummy chavs start fighting/puking/shagging and/or smashing windows on Friday and Saturday nights, the residents can simply open their windows and taser the little bastards until their bollocks pop.


Seconded. Douglas front could do with the same. F***wits who can't drink and their shrill little girlfriends screaming all night long. Pathetic.

Whilst were on the subject how about doing the pubs etc who happily allow them to swill till absolutley out of their sad little heads then let them out onto the streets when they've taken the money.


I think this is called 'envy,' coming from those who are too old to get away with such behaviour nowadays. :D

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  • 1 year later...

BBC: Police to be armed with stun guns


"Tasers have been fired more than 1,000 times since 2004. Now up to 30,000 police officers across all forces in England and Wales are to be trained to use Taser stun guns."


Bad idea IMO, they should remain under the same level of control as firearms in the police. Only a matter of time before someone dies from a tasering IMO.

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I disagree Albert. What the figures don't show is what alternative might have been deployed if Taser hadn't been an option. Don't forget lethal force is on the list as well.

I am hearing that nearly 300 people have died as a result of being tasered in the U.S. since 2001 - 90% of whom were not armed.


I am not in favour of arming the police in general, including arming them with potentially leathal tasers, though of course I agree there has to be specially trained armed response teams. Generally arming the police will lead us down the path to the American way IMO, - more shootings, accepted with little or no accountability to the public IMO.


In over 30 lethal shootings carried out by the police not one officer has been brought to task, including any over the Jean Charles de Menezes case, or even for a guy carrying a table leg. Fix that first, then come back and talk to me about it AFAIC.

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Come off it Albert. I agree that the chances are that someone will be Tasered and they'll have heart failure or whatever and that will be that. Tough, but you've crossed a line somewhere to be Tasered in the first place! However you (probably deliberately) fail to see the irony in quoting those who have been shot and killed i.e. had they been Tasered instead they might still be costing us a fortune in some over-crowded prison somewhere. Alternatively have you seen the figures of coppers off sick through injuries sustained "in the line of duty"? Absolutely-bloody-outrageous! I think the Taser is a step forward. Let's face it, being temporarily dropped by voltage is a whole lot better than being permanently dropped by two aimed rounds through the centre of the target


In any event strange but true the boys in blue don't deliberately set out to kill anyone. Which makes your argument just a little superfluous.

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