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New Years Eve


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hopefully staying in the house and doing bugger all.

New years eve is such a xxxx excuse to celebrate. especially given the recent US elections.

"happy new year!"


2005 will be as xxxxx as 2004, filled with just as much war and bollox if not more.

The same twats will be in charge of the major countries of the world. The only good thing is that the Queen might pop her clogs.


although for everyone else.

Clubs? if phil is putting something on then that will be the tits!

i hear there's a bit of a treat in store for band liking people. buit i'll keep shtum for now

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I hate being out on New Year's Eve - drinks/taxi's/admittance charges all expensive, you can't get near the bar without getting covered in slops from other people's drinks, everyone's wandering around over emotional and kissing each other and forcing themselves to make false promises they are mostly destined to break and feel depressed about....


I like to stay in with friends and family, have a few drinks and play loads of card/board games and have a laugh... oh and I never make resolutions.


Bah humbug!

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Exactly how I feel about New Years Eve, Obs. Can't stand strange, pissed-as-a-fart men trying to snog any female in sight. I've not been out on New Years Eve for about 10 years, much prefer to stay at home with friends and family.

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I remain 'undecided' at the moment, the last few years have been pish poor.... I ended up dog sitting in a mansion last year!!!


...going to make sure this years is a good un though, for feckin sure!!!


Edited to ask thebees whats your plan? Tom & Ed in London still???

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I'll either be in or with the rest of my family


Same here, I haven't been out for years on Christmas Eve I hate having a hangover on chrimbo day. New years Eve, far too expensive and all those women spilling their drinks over me and trying to snog me. A man can only take so much.

I'll more than likely look in here from time to time, just to make sure you lot are getting nicely drunk and not up to anything you shouldn't be.

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I used to go out for a few on Christmas Eve, nothing heavy but just a nice relaxing drink with friends before Christmas Day. Now, I have to work Christmas Eve so what little time I have left after finishing work is spent getting things ready for the following day.


No doubt I'll be online on both eves.

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