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Saints Row On The 360


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Had another good session last night, the missions are starting to get quite a bit tougher, although it's very cleverly balanced out by the fact you can recruit "homies" to follow you around, and their AI does appear to be pretty well developed. (I got the "natural leader" award last night, which means I can have two homies instead of one.)


The radio stations are really starting to grow on me, and I'm actually starting to get into hip-hop a bit, which is a most unexpected development.

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chopsticks, if you need some easy cash, do the insurance missions...jack an ambulance or police car, head to the scoring zone at full speed and hit anything ( preferably another ambulance or police car ) headon...you'll go flying out of the windscreen and get huge scores!


Ahhh yes I was having difficulty getting past Level 3 of the insurance missions, that sounds like a good plan though.


Also, what's the best way to do the Mayhem missions? Level 3 of that was causing me some trouble.


The thing that's surprised me about Saints Row is how blatant the sexual side of things is, because Americans are usually a bit prudish about that. I mean, look at all the fuss about the Hot Coffee mod in GTA:SA, which caused a massive ruckus even though it wasn't technically a part of the game.


Compared to that, Saints Row is an absolute shagfest, I cleared out the brothel last night and every room I went into had some bad dude shagging a lass in various positions or being given a blow job, albeit with clothes on, but that was the case with Hot Coffee as well.


Then I went to do a Mayhem mission and the cutscene for it started off with a girl coming out from under the table and wiping her mouth, as she'd obviously just seen some cock-smoking action to a "conclusion."

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This game really is astoundingly good.


Back when GTA3 was released, I went out and bought a PS2, just to play GTA3 (nothing else on the console had really interested me, which is why I hadn't bought one prior to that) - apart from really enjoying the game and finally accepting that such a thing as "next-gen" gaming did actually exist, I had hours upon hours of fun of just doing pointless silly shit, like seeing how pissed off I could make the police and whether or not I could escape or not, and setting up long lines of stolen cars before blowing them all up in an insane sort of dominoes act.


But sometimes, I just stood on a street corner and watched the "world" go by, or would park up in a car somewhere with my favourite radio station on, and watch the sun come up.


Saints Row does all that stuff, and multiplies it by an enjoyment factor of a hundred.


The "chaos" side of things is largely like GTA3, but infinitely better looking, but it does largely come down to blowing loads of stuff up, and killing loads of cops - although you do have the added bonus of being able to piss off rival gangs at the same time, and if you're cunning enough, you can get rival gangs and the cops to shoot it out between them whilst you pick your targets off with a sniper rifle.


The aspect of the game that's really caught my attention tonight is the "watching the world go by" side of things - get yourself a car, park up on the pavement, stick your favourite radio station on, and watch as gangs and police fall out over a minor incident, which quickly escalates into a full scale war. Or a gang member takes exception to something a civilian did, kills said civilian, everyone else runs away, more homies turn up, the police turn up, another war - right in front of your eyes (which you can of course join in with).


You can even watch the binmen come round to empty the bins, yeah it's a trivial little addition, but it all adds to the effect of a convincing game world.


Moreover, there's a huge range of voice samples for all the pedestrian characters, the cops, the whores, the drug dealers, the rival gangs, everyone. It's worthwhile just wandering around listening to what everyone has to say, walking into the shops to listen to conversations, to really soak in what's going on.


And if you're really after some fun, just spend all your cash on a massive stash of weapons (including the RPG of course), and go out to cause some major havoc.


None of this stuff progresses the game of course, or actually gets you anywhere (generally speaking one saves their game before going out and doing all this stupid shit, and returns to the save to carry on playing the game "properly") - but it's a testament to how much fun Saints Row is that I happily spent over two hours doing nothing other than pointlessly dicking around for laughs - tomorrow I'll get back on track with the proper game-advancing missions.


Oh yes and finally, the radio stations are really starting to grow on me, there are loads of decent tracks between all the different stations, I'm actually starting to quite like hip-hop, and there's tonnes of humour in there - a bit hit and miss, but when it hits, it's really funny, and when it's "amusingly offensive" it manages to be exactly that, with a very knowing wink that tells you that everyone's in on the jokes.

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i'm gonna spend some time on the row over the weekend, hopefully the missus won't get too offended! :huh:


Mrs Chopsticks was out last night so as soon as Chopsticks Jnr was in bed it was 360 heaven all evening, completely guilt free :D


Memorable quotation from last night's session was me walking past a big fat fucker who was blimping his away along the pavement, eyeing up some totty walking the other way, as he passed me he said, "I wonder if I could have someone like her without GHB."


Your tip for the insurance fraud missions worked out a treat, and I maxed out to Level 8 on the Los Carnales insurance missions - lots of easy money. I'm going to buy some wicked threads and jewellery this evening with all the cash, and get my respect multiplier up a bit :ph34r:


Oh yes and one delightfully easy way to get rid of the cops is to jump in the water and hide under a bridge, you can hear them all looking for you on the bridge above, as your wanted meter slowly decreases down to nothing.

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You played crackdown chop?


Yeah it's one of the games I originally got with my 360, but for some reason it just didn't connect with me at all, and left me a bit "cold" somehow.


Then again, I was completely obsessed with Ridge Racer 6 at the time and fired up Crackdown more out of obligation than actually wanting to play it, and by the time I'd completed RR6 I had other new games to move onto, so Crackdown was kind of ignored.


Once I've finished with Saints Row I'll revisit Crackdown, because most people seem to love it so maybe I'll get more out of it on a second visit.

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You played crackdown chop?


Yeah it's one of the games I originally got with my 360, but for some reason it just didn't connect with me at all, and left me a bit "cold" somehow.




It's quite a slow starter, and pretty samey, but once you get powered up it is also a lot of fun.

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chopsticks, don't forget to phone the numbers on the adverts that you see around the place... :D


Yeah did some of that this evening, calling up the "suicide hotline" is quite amusing :)


Made a bit more progression with the missions, but was basically concerned with getting my dude some decent threads and lots of jewellery to get the respect meter rising.


I like the way you can dress him up to be an absolute and total chav-twat, but as long as you make sure you're wearing the gang colours, you get the respect.


Likewise the jewellery, I decked him out in the most preposterous collection of bling-king-crap you've ever set eyes on, but made sure it was all platinum, so got the respect :D


End result is I've got a total numpty looking twat swaggering around the city earning oodles of respect for everything he does, which makes it all even funnier than it already was.


(To raise the cash I just maxed out the other two insurance fraud mission ladders, between the three of them (28 levels in all) they yield a lot of cash and respect.)


Still having fun just parking a car up on the side of the road with some tunes banging out and checking forums/emails on the PC with the 360 buzzing away in the other corner of the room (and of course you earn cash for all your controlled districts for every "game day" that passes, so it's not entirely pointless either).


The missions I did this evening were actually fairly tough, but not in a horribly nasty or unfair way, one missions did take four (five?) attempts but I didn't feel aggrieved 'cause I was getting a bit gung-ho and deserved to get my ass blown up by a firebomb toting 'ho.


Overall, Saints Row is elevating itself to the status of "best game I've played on the 360 yet" - and apparently there is a sequel in the works, so that's something to look forward to :)

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I picked up a copy late last week, it's a 'Classic' title now so only cost £25.


It's a good game, similar to GTA3 in certain aspects but better in others, and some of the little touches had me laughing. It makes me laugh everytime when you steal a car and the guy bangs their head on the horn then throws them out the car. Other things that make good entertainment are attacking rival gangs and the police, then they start fighting with each other.


There's a few things I only just sussed out - cracking safes and taking the loot to the pawn shop, I was walking... Didn't realise you could dump it in the boot.


The physics are also very impressive, the bonnet off my car was flapping up, and I could see an arm or something sticking out (I thought the engine had messed up), until I braked and a body went flying forward. Overall a good game, very easy to pickup and play. I think the mission\activities are a must, but cruising round randomly can be a laugh too.

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and some of the little touches had me laughing. It makes me laugh everytime when you steal a car and the guy bangs their head on the horn then throws them out the car.


If you're holding a pistol when you jack a car, sometimes he'll shoot the driver in the head and dump the body on the street.


(Also, he doesn't always bang their head on the steering wheel, sometimes he just drags them out, and sometimes he punches them in the face and drags them out. I like it when he does that to a cop.)


I'm getting pretty far with the Los Carnales missions now, and they're getting fairly tough, but still a lot of fun. Got my first five-star wanted rating on one of the missions, which sends the cops and SWAT teams fucking mental.


Also, I'm now officially quite keen on hip-hop, which I wasn't expecting to happen.

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I'm getting pretty far with the Los Carnales missions now, and they're getting fairly tough, but still a lot of fun. Got my first five-star wanted rating on one of the missions, which sends the cops and SWAT teams fucking mental.


I managed to do that with the cops in the friendly territory, with loads of purples around. A few hand grenades and a shotgun, shoot up the SWAT teams at the Roadblock. Next thing, Helicopter overhead, with about 10 friendlies firing their pistols - after about 3 minutes, they shot the thing down.


What's the multiplayer like?

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