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Mass Effect!

K.os Theory

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OMG there will be not only some partial nakedness in the game but dependent on the sex of your character possible inter-species sex and strangely enough possible lesbian inter-species sex!!!


Meh, I have porn for that sort of thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

in a word....WOW!


If you love your sci-fi pick it up, you like your rpg's pick it up, you like your shooters pick it up...all in all an amazing game. OK it does have it's technical issue, but the scale of the game is so big that you just forgive them as they don't take that much if anything away from the experience.


I had high expectations for this, it's surpassed them by a mile.


For me, this is far and away the best game i've played all year

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Yes I'm loving this! I never got in to Biowares KOTORs games simply because I hated the stalled combat (we all know the SNES star wars are the best anyway)


I had fears that Mass effect might have felt like Star Trek, but thankfully I was wrong. The graphics are awesome and the music is great, this makes up for the shite that was Assassin's creed last week.

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  • 1 month later...

So a little further down the line a few of you may have picked this up over the Christmas period.


What are everybodies opinions? Does the game have much lasting appeal?


I'm trying to decide what game to pick up next month :)

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So a little further down the line a few of you may have picked this up over the Christmas period.

What are everybodies opinions? Does the game have much lasting appeal?

I'm trying to decide what game to pick up next month :)


Mixed feelings here. I think if I was to sum up my overall impressions I'd say it's trying to be a shooter and rpg hybrid and ends up being half a shooter and half an rpg, instead of a full game. The storys ace, the visuals are superb, but the actual action and the rpg mechanics are pretty basic.


Pick it up if you enjoy sitting through a very good intereactive sci fi story, otherwise buy summit else.

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having just re-read my post above, I'm gonna say now that I've played through and finished the game and gotten over the initial "wow", I'm more inclined to agree with droid. That's not to say it isn't a great a game because it is, but i've not yet gone back to play through again ( HL2 Ep2 has taken over for the time being - fuckin striders still do my head in!!! ), I'll definately be giving it another run through as I want to try out the other classes.


Well worth a purchase, i'm pretty sure you'll be able to pick it up second hand now as well.

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