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Manx Telecom is bringing a new world to your mobile – the world of modo!


With modo.im Manx Telecom mobile customers can download over 150,000 full music tracks, thousands of ringtones, games and wallpapers from some of the largest distributors in the world including Universal, Sony and Warner. The modo service allows you to download to your mobile or PC faster than anywhere in the world from just £1 for a full music track and from 2008 we will also be adding video download capability.



To take advantage of this exciting new service and to promote local music talent, we want to share this platform with musicians and artists in the Isle of Man.


With modo you can promote your music to the whole of the Isle of Man 24 hours a day and this is where you come in….


Manx Telecom would love to add some of your music to our platform, FREE OF CHARGE. Just imagine reaching an audience of over 70,000 and if they like your music they will tell others, buy your CDs, pack out your gigs and it may just propel you in to the UK charts!


Your music could soon be in the download charts alongside the Foo Fighters, Fatboy Slim or Kanye West.


So far, every local group & artist we have approached has signed up. If you want to distribute your tracks for free or have any questions please PM me, give me a call or drop me an email



Look forward to hearing from you



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Yeh but you had to login for the manxbands one, so I didn't bother.


Bit of a con, £3 (+ bandwidth) for a ringtone.


Yep, £3 is a joke, I'd rather go and buy the Album than pay £3 for one song.


Modo, you really haven't thought this through have you..........anyone who pays £3 for one of those songs must be on crack.


I hope it fails well :D

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At least SOMEONE is trying to have a go!!!


Well done Modo, i hope it works out for ya. Im a producer and i think its a good way of getting ya tunes out there.


The audience is very limited though. iTunes would surely be much better. At least then they can actually be sold and you'll make a bit of money back aswell! Rather then just giving the locals music away for free and charging for all the other music. iTunes for distribution and a decent myspace should suffice. Advertise your myspace round on posters and things, put up a few sample tracks and a link to your songs on iTunes. Sorted.

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