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Why Can't We Kill These Evil People?


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Ironically, it's "safe for work" because it's a BBC link, and it's simply describing a horrendous atrocity, rather than showing some tart's snatch.


What the fuck do you do with "people" like this?


I'm all for prison reform and education, when we're talking about youngsters getting into trouble or adults in hopeless situations trying to survive - but when we're dealing with what is clearly unremitting fucking evil, what choices as a society do we have, other than to cleanse ourselves of such shite?


Put these two maniacs in the chair, and I'd cheerfully throw the fucking switch myself.


We humans can be excused for many acts of dreadful behaviour, it's part of what defines us as humans, we make things up for ourselves rather than living on instinct - but sometimes, we clearly become too broken to be identifiable as human beings.


Like a broken microwave, I'd take these two baby-killers out to the tip, and bury them under a pile of fridges and slot-in ovens, and apologise to the fridges for being asked to keep such terrible company.


The child's many wounds included a broken thigh and shin and three fractured ribs, the court heard.


His injuries were ignored for days, causing him to scream as his broken bones ground together.


Judge Nicholas Loraine-Smith said the final assault on the boy, breaking a leg that had already been fractured, "must have been a brutal attack".


The child finally died in his cot on 6 September last year. A doctor who examined him said he looked like a car accident victim.


A post-mortem examination discovered a marrow fat embolism from the untreated broken thigh had invaded his lungs, starved his brain of oxygen and caused death.


Our dear friend George Bush describes entire countries such as Iran as "evil," but then again he is a braindead lunatic, the characters described here are truly evil.


What the hell are we supposed to do with them?


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For him, get a potato peeler and his dick, one slice every day, then soak in salt and vinegar.


For her, cheese grater and repeat above process.



Seriously, I think they should be hung or stoned to death.....I think stoned to death is the best way for them to go.

But not the head, so there awake for every stone being thrown at them.

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Why can't we kill them? Because this society now lacks the strength to do so. A gutless soft wishy washy society where personal responsibility has long disappeared. There's always excuses or waffle, for every atrocity or outrage


Incidentally I do believe that every single person who advocates capital punishment should have the conviction to do it themselves if required and not leave it to someone else.


Not a problem for me, I wouldn't hesitate............


Yes life is scared but it wasn't to these animals ( no offence intended to animals ) so as ye sow...............

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I usually try to have faith in the justice system and don't really like to applaud or encourage mob or street justice but in this case, I'll gladly make an exception. I really hope they're both 'got at' inside. Repeatedly.


Other than that, I really don't have the words to express how angry things like this make me.

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The thing that really gets me about this is that they got nine years in jail, which means out in four and a half as long as they behave well.


Less than five years in jail for brutally torturing a baby to death?


In five years time they'll be back on the street, free to breed again if they choose to, free to bring another baby into the same situation, I don't understand how, as a society, we allow this to happen.


They should be given a choice, they can either have life in prison, and I mean the rest of their entire natural lives, in a real prison, like one of those American "super-max" facilities where you're in a cell 23 hours a day, or they can have a bullet in the back of their heads.


Either way, they should never be allowed to be free again, because what they have done is beyond the realms of humanity, and they've lost the right to be a part of the human race.

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Like being forced 'clockwork orange' style to watch looped re-runs of the Krankies until the day they die.


Joking aside I hope they get what's coming to them. I can't imagine what kind of short circuits go on in a human mind to enable it to do such despicable things, much less to have two of them together doing it.

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I'd have open days on torturing the pair of them for at least 6 months and then stick them in the electric chair on half power so they'd just burn slowly.

This sort of scum don't deserve to breathe the same air as everyone else.

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There is something very wrong with the legal system, when the only way that they're going receive justice, will be illegally dealt out by convicted criminals! Let's hope it happens at least once a day, every day for the next four and a half years.

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I can't ever agree with the death penalty - even for the moxt extreme cases like this. I don't understand why they haven't received life sentences, though. What more would they have had to do to the child to warrant a life term???

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I notice that the female is recommended for deportion on completion of her sentence. In cases like this they should be able to impose the sentence which would be used in the offenders home country - be-heading perhaps, not good enough really. Its mad that people whose crimes wouldn't be tolerated in their own country should benefit from the UK's liberal attitude to offenders.


They should really be made to suffer the injuries and abuse they inflicted on a helpless child.

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I trust they won't get too much protection in prison even though they're going to really need it.

Oh they will; they will be put in the secure section with other like-minded paedophiles and child murderers for their personal safety.


There is something very disturbing about anyone who can hurt anything unable to defend itself, and to repeatedly assault such a tiny child who is so utterly and completely dependant on, and vulnerable to them, makes you wonder what useful purpose they will ever serve in society.

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I can't ever agree with the death penalty - even for the moxt extreme cases like this. I don't understand why they haven't received life sentences, though. What more would they have had to do to the child to warrant a life term???


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