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Why Can't We Kill These Evil People?


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I notice that the female is recommended for deportion on completion of her sentence. In cases like this they should be able to impose the sentence which would be used in the offenders home country - be-heading perhaps, not good enough really. Its mad that people whose crimes wouldn't be tolerated in their own country should benefit from the UK's liberal attitude to offenders.

What is the likelyhood of her being deported though? I dont know where she is from but probably somewhere where they know how to deal properly with scum like this and so it will be against her "human rights" for the British to deport her.

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I can't ever agree with the death penalty - even for the moxt extreme cases like this. I don't understand why they haven't received life sentences, though. What more would they have had to do to the child to warrant a life term???




Although I disagree with the sentiment regarding the death penalty (not that liberal I'm afraid) I do believe life, when considered appropriate as a sentence, should mean life, and that people like this should be excluded from society.

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Although I disagree with the sentiment regarding the death penalty (not that liberal I'm afraid) I do believe life, when considered appropriate as a sentence, should mean life, and that people like this should be excluded from society.

Apart from the fact that I value life and think no person has the right to take another person's life for whatever reason, I think that the death penalty simply makes little sense. Locking someone up until the day they die many years away is a far more severe punishment imo, and ultimately equals a death penalty anyway - only that you have to wait a long long time for it.

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Although I disagree with the sentiment regarding the death penalty (not that liberal I'm afraid) I do believe life, when considered appropriate as a sentence, should mean life, and that people like this should be excluded from society.

Apart from the fact that I value life and think no person has the right to take another person's life for whatever reason, I think that the death penalty simply makes little sense. Locking someone up until the day they die many years away is a far more severe punishment imo, and ultimately equals a death penalty anyway - only that you have to wait a long long time for it.


Locking them up for life = On going cost to the tax payer.


Personally I believe in an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.

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Although I disagree with the sentiment regarding the death penalty (not that liberal I'm afraid) I do believe life, when considered appropriate as a sentence, should mean life, and that people like this should be excluded from society.

Apart from the fact that I value life and think no person has the right to take another person's life for whatever reason, I think that the death penalty simply makes little sense. Locking someone up until the day they die many years away is a far more severe punishment imo, and ultimately equals a death penalty anyway - only that you have to wait a long long time for it.


Locking them up for life = On going cost to the tax payer.


Personally I believe in an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.


I'd gladly pay my proportion, which probably only amounts to a few quid of tax if that, to keep them locked up without any privileges as a warning to other people who might otherwise go down the same route.

In fact I can't think of many better uses for my tax.

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I've never agreed with vigilante-style reactions, nor with knee-jerk responses to emotionally charged stories such as this one. Nor would I ever support any state's right to take a human life, no matter what crime they have committed.

As others have said, a life sentence - with no possibility of remission or parole - would probably be more fitting, especially as they would live every single day of it in fear of what other prisoners might do to them.

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No doubt all the posters calling for scumbags to be taken out of society long term, will be the same ones howling in protest at the expensive facilities at the Jurby prison.


Long prison terms combined with a comfortable life inside would keep these arseholes out of society and more importantly prevent them from breeding


We could start by giving the feeble minded and the unemployable free heroin & Sky TV to keep them indoors and out of mischief

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