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New Hotel For Ramsey


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I stayed there last year, and it was woeful. Sticky carpets, the lock on the room door didn't work (i.e. you had to leave your door closed, but unlocked, when you went out). I assumed he was running it down so that he'd have more of an excuse to change the use/demolish - nobody would ever stay there twice

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As if there isn't enough apartments already.


Maybe not - for the retired community a well-built appartment needs much less upkeep than a house with a garden, the Grand Island would be an excellent site for such a development. But for the price of a new appartment on the Island (for example the conversion in Peel by the marina) I can get the same size in Switzerland, difference is that here in Switzerland it's built to a very, very high standard.


I don't think the Grand Island will ever make money.

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It'd be a shame to see The Grand Island go 'cause it's a magnificent old building in an equally magnificent location, but it's absolutely gone to the dogs over the last few years, and I can't see that anyone would be prepared to sink the money into it that would be required to bring it back up to scratch, especially since there's just no viable market in the north of the island for such a large hotel.


On a lovely summer's day there's nothing quite like getting a couple of drinks (which will probably be warm as none of the fridges seem to work) and sitting out in the gardens at the back, looking out to sea. Unfortunately, the gardens would make a nicer place to stay than most of the rooms......


Mind you, I worked there as a barman/kitchen assistant in, ummmm, summer of 1995 off the top of my head, and there was a fair bit wrong with it even back then, the public facing areas were largely pretty good but behind the scenes it was already in a fair state of decay. There didn't seem to be anyone really running the place as such either, 'cause all the staff got pissed for free out of the bar just about every single night, I remember many a wobbly cycle back into town along the prom at about 2am, having downed far too much free vodka. (Well, "pinched" vodka would probably be more accurate but everyone was at it, and since I was just working for the summer I figured I may as well join in.)


Having a decent hotel in the centre of Ramsey would be excellent IMO, because it's really quite tricky for people at the moment who are coming to the IOM to visit folks who live up north and need somewhere to stay, given that no sane person would want to stay at the Grand Island (which is an awkward distance out of town anyway).


I still pop into the Grand Island for a drink or two now and then, but that's about it, and even that's mostly a depressing experience because you can "feel" it deteriorating year after year - a sad end for such a truly impressive building.



Wasn't there a magnificent old hotel in a magnificent location designed by a famous architect on Onchan Head?

It was pulled down and replaced with apartments.

History will repeat itself with the Grand Island.

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That's not my point at all, 32 beds + staff = 40 spaces minimum for parking at peak times. Limited parking in Parliament street and not a great deal on the quay. Market Sq too far away and train station even further. I used to park on Parliament when I lived there and suffered two incidents of vandalism due to drunks. I think it is a valid question and if answered unsatisfactorily the application should be refused. Nothing about being "forward looking" at all.

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You lot up there in the north, get a fucking grip


It's hard enough for decent hotels in Douglas to make a profit, even with most of their trade coming from visiting businessmen


Why would anyone add an extra couple of hours to their day going from Ronaldsway up to Ramsey and back to Douglas ?


Unless, of course, Jurby becomes the main airport and the Queens Pier is developed as a ferry terminal


Like I said, get a fucking grip

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That's not my point at all, 32 beds + staff = 40 spaces minimum for parking at peak times. Limited parking in Parliament street and not a great deal on the quay. Market Sq too far away and train station even further. I used to park on Parliament when I lived there and suffered two incidents of vandalism due to drunks. I think it is a valid question and if answered unsatisfactorily the application should be refused. Nothing about being "forward looking" at all.



Actually parking in Parliament Street is plentiful in the evenings, use of these spaces might actually increase activity in the town centre and improve things.


Look at Douglas, the mojority of hotels park on the promentade which has even bigger problems than Ramsey has. There's plently of parking within reasonabel distance of this site, ok the locals might be too lazy to walk, but I bet the situation is a lot better than you'll find in most small town centre hotels.

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