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All Island Speed Limit


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Oh, and name-calling doesn't exactly make you appear mature Cret.


So you're aware of that when you're calling people jealous spoilsports are you?


Besides which I haven't called you any names if you care to read things correctly. I said your post was stupid and childish.


Because it was. :rolleyes:

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Whatever. Basically, as I see it, most (pro-limit, of which there ain't many) posters on here are simply pro-limit because they don't like to see others enjoying themselves - as are most people anti-fireworks, anti-motorbikes, anti-TT, anti-jetski, anti-speedboat etc.


It's intolerance mainly, wrapped up in false "concern for others" IMO.


What you think of that statement I really couldn't care less.

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Whatever. Basically, as I see it, most (pro-limit, of which there ain't many) posters on here are simply pro-limit because they don't like to see others enjoying themselves - as are most people anti-fireworks, anti-motorbikes, anti-TT, anti-jetski, anti-speedboat etc.


I'm glad I'm one of the ones that doesn't hold a pro viewpoint for those reasons then.


And there really weren't that many anti-limit if you think about it. 281 letters is all the entire community could muster. Yeah, that's overwhelming that is ;)

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Whatever. Basically, as I see it, most (pro-limit, of which there ain't many) posters on here are simply pro-limit because they don't like to see others enjoying themselves - as are most people anti-fireworks, anti-motorbikes, anti-TT, anti-jetski, anti-speedboat etc.


It's intolerance mainly, wrapped up in false "concern for others" IMO.


Thinking about it I'm sure you're right actually.


I'm sure none of the people pro limit here really give a flying one about the safety of their family members and the fact that someone driving like a moron could cause an accident and kill them. Who in their right mind would ever worry about people they care about coming to an untimely and undeserved end? :whatever:


What you think of that statement I really couldn't care less.


Apparently you could because you've been trying to justify/quantify it. :rolleyes:

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I like to drive fast but when other constraints/road users are on the road, you must drive to the conditions.

Nothing annoys me more than seeing people weaving in and out, overtaking at speed (and not at speed in some cases) on blind bends.

Hell, I even get overtaken in Sulby village whilst adhering to the limit !!


There is absolutely nothing wrong in opening up in unrestricted areas but when the consideration of other road users wanes, this is then the time to look hard at ones driving ability and whether he/she can come down from the "high" and drive slowly again.


Incidentally, why do I never see the cops pull over anyone with an R plate who goes over his limit ?

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LOL Cret. So now you're agreeing that driving fast = driving like a moron?


Admittedly some people are simply concerned about safety, that doesn't rule out those who hate to see others having fun, those who hate driving fast, those jealous of other's cars/bikes - and those who are backing a limit purely because they want to see the demise of the TT.


Users on here whose arguments involve penis envy and penis size to me are the epitome of those types.

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Has anyone been on the Castletown road recently? Have you seen those notices that detail how many accidents have occured in the last 3 years at each bend.


Made me think as I was driving along.


I can drive fast if I choose to. I think I'm a pretty OK driver, with no accidents whilst actually in motion.


The thing is as I get older, I am aware of my mortality and the mortality of those around me, I choose to drive slower at more reasonable speeds. Generally, I don't break the speed limits now.


Other than limits in built up areas, which are standard, limits are determined by recommendation by the police and others. It is the police who are the first at a scene of an accident - they see the damage first hand and maintain statistics of 'troubled' areas of the road. I for one prefer to listen to them when they say a stretch of road is particularly dangerous than to some kid who has only been driving for a limited period of time who reckons he is a safe driver.


Speed limits are there for a reason - to make the environment safer, for other road users, padestrians and even people sunning themselves in their garden. I am in favor of an all island speed limit. Anything that saves just one life is surely worth it.


I apologise for the length of the post.

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Admittedly some people are simply concerned about safety, that doesn't rule out those who hate to see others having fun, those who hate driving fast, those jealous of other's cars/bikes - and those who are backing a limit purely because they want to see the demise of the TT.


If you accept that some people want a speed limit because they are concerned about safety, then you must also accept that there are some people who don't want one because they want to drive like an idiot.


dooahhdoo: Yeah, because online polls can never be fiddled and only allow one vote per person and they only record votes from Island residents too. I think the 281 figure is a little more damning. Less than 300 people out of, what, 80 odd thousand could be arsed standing up for this? That's less than half a percent.

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I thnk castletown road is one they are going to put more limits onto as it is a blackspot area.


Anything that saves just one life is surely worth it.


Sounds good on paper, but that's really an argument that could be used against almost anything.

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Sounds good on paper, but that's really an argument that could be used against almost anything.

Of course that argument could be used against almost anything.........ban bungee jumping because the cord may snap, ban parachuting because the chute may not open, we may save some lives then. Trouble is though with that argument, we're all responsible for our actions, we choose to take risks that may well endanger our wellbeing and that's our choice. What choice have pedestrians had when they've been ploughed into by a speeding driver, or Mr X happily driving along, at a sensible speed, with his wife and kids when he's been hit head on by a speeding driver who's lost control of his vehicle.

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Mountain is a blackspot too, look at the figures 140+ in 3 years and it's STILL unrestricted, beggars belief really


Talking of police being responsible for speed limits, I live on a single track road, no pavement, no street lighting AND NO SPEED LIMIT!


...and yeah, tossers overtaking in Sulby village (20 limit) really pisses me too

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