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Orange Box On Steam


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You do get three different product codes though so in effect, you could give the HL2 and EP1 codes away to someone who doesn't have them?


Daft though. They should have released the Black Box on Steam.

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quote taken from IGN :


"The Orange Box, of course, includes Half-Life 2, Episodes 1 and 2, Team Fortress 2, and Portal. Players who already own Half-Life 2 or Episode 1 will be able to "gift" these titles to a friend upon the Box's release."


been checkin out the footage, team fortress look sweeeeeet! anyone know if you can play 360's against the pcs?

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Personally I won't be buying The orange box because I thought HL2 was shite compared to HL1.


Even if that was true and not the words of a raving loony bellend, the package is so much more than HL2 EP2. That's just icing on the cake, I'm mostly after Team Fortress 2.

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Personally I won't be buying The orange box because I thought HL2 was shite compared to HL1.


Even if that was true and not the words of a raving loony bellend, the package is so much more than HL2 EP2. That's just icing on the cake, I'm mostly after Team Fortress 2.


TF2 looks fookin awesome...portal looks to be great fun as well ( although not maybe after a couple of beers )...I loved the HL2, looking forward to playing the other episodes as well...all in all you can't knock a package like this! :P

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