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Be Alert But Not Alarmed!


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That strapline must have taken ages to think up.

Maybe they ran a competition within certain Gov Departments to see who could come up with the catchiest phrase.


Actually some of the information in the booklet is quite helpful, like the first aid advice, but a lot of it is pure common sense. I can imagine some people rushing out though and stocking their cupboards with emergency supplies........"just in case".

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I remember getting something similar when I was a kid about nuclear attack...frightened the life out of me. And then they showed Threads in school...thought it was the end.


Now however I can see them for what they are...Propoganda in its simplest form!! Beware of the bogeyman, the threat is real therefore we really have to be at war with the terrorists/review our immigration laws/carry ID cards etc etc

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One bit that did make me chuckle............"KNOW YOUR EMERGENCY CONTACTS - Keep contact numbers for the ambulance, fire service and police together in one place......"


Must make a note of that real difficult to remember number in case of emergencies.........999 isn't it???

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heavens...what on earth is this all about - are we in imminent danger from a

bin£%lad£en-esque attack?


- heard this guy on the radio yesterday, who went hitch-hiking all over the states - curious little anecdotes about all the different characters he'd come across: one guy, he anecdoted, was an evangilist - Billy Graham style, and had a little mantra pinned up on his windowscreen: - WWJD (not sure if thats' a mantra actually - sure someone'll put me right) anyway, the hitchhiker asked the evangelist what this WWJD means and the 'vangelist goes..."well sonny, whenever i find myself in a predicament, and i dont' know which way to turn, i always ask myself..."What Would Jesus Do"


Fink i'll do the same... :lol:

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