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K.os Theory

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I'm with you Terry, really enjoying the single player campaign.


I put the disk in, set the difficulty to legendary and started the campaign! First thing I noticed was how lush everything looks, ok not as nice as Bio-shock but still very very pretty....then I came across my first batch of enemies....bam bam bam fuck i'm dead! back to checkpoint ( only 30seconds from where I died ), fare a bit better until the reinforcements turn up, plasma grenade to the face....booooom i'm dead!


Yeah it's fuckin tough on Legendary, I spent the better part of an hour battling my way through the first level ( up to the pelican drop-ships being attacked ) and thought i'm just not enjoying it...so started again on Herioc


There is still the challenge ( i'm still being sniped on a regular basis ), but I'm finding the challenge much more enjoyable.


Highlights so far :


the video-playback option is amazing, absolutely amazing i'm gonna go so far as to say it's one of THE most impressive things i've seen or been able to do with a video game ( if you haven't tried it yet have a go ) EVER!!!!

the grunts chatter amongst themselve is brilliant ( sure i heard one of them call me a fecker but )

the enemy AI is impressive, they employ flanking manouveres, use bubble grenades and the like

the weapons feel alot more balanced

the flying aliens are a quality edition


Downsides so far :


the AI for team-mates ( the arbitar in particular ) is rubbish

2 grenades! WTF OK there are 3 classes of grenade but only 2 of each glass?


So does it live up to the hype.......yep it sure does and i'm not saying that as a Halo fanboy. The thing that elevates this game for me is the video-playback, the gameplay is pure halo, the setpeices are epic as are the battles ( even the smaller ones ).

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Just been watching my 2 sons play it ( only bought it tonight ) and it looks great fun.Think they are on the 2nd level , its quite eyecatching. Far too tired to play it myself though,but hopefully I will get chance to have a play on Sunday. Really want to play it online but my live subscription has expired.I think I am going to prefer it over Gears

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Blimey Charlie !!!!!! finished it :huh::huh:


Got it wednesday, out wednesday nite managed 2hours when i got in,

Out thursday nite not played at all,

couple of hours Friday nite (3 tops),

Saturday maybe 5 hours at a push,

Sunday 7 hours including watching the japan GP

= one finished game :blink: mind you a couple of guy's in the states finished it within 24 hours of getting it.

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Blimey Charlie !!!!!! finished it :huh::huh:


Got it wednesday, out wednesday nite managed 2hours when i got in,

Out thursday nite not played at all,

couple of hours Friday nite (3 tops),

Saturday maybe 5 hours at a push,

Sunday 7 hours including watching the japan GP

= one finished game :blink: mind you a couple of guy's in the states finished it within 24 hours of getting it.


on what difficulty setting? dependent on the difficulty depends on the ending you get! the harder it is the better the ending apparently! I've not had a chnce to play all weekend ( tbh i've been hammering skate!! ! )

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on what difficulty setting? dependent on the difficulty depends on the ending you get! the harder it is the better the ending apparently!


To be honest this first run through on Normal was just to get a feel for the game, did not spend any time looking for skulls or going for maximum kills on every level, may restart it tonite on the next setting or may go for ledgendary :o


Not heard of the ending being dependant on how hard the game is,will report back once i have recompleted it, mind you some parts where very easy then you turn a corner and its like hitting a brick wall and nothing you do seems to work.


would not like to play it on easy maybe it replaces the weapons with feather dusters and duck feather pillows :lol:

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on what difficulty setting? dependent on the difficulty depends on the ending you get! the harder it is the better the ending apparently!


To be honest this first run through on Normal was just to get a feel for the game, did not spend any time looking for skulls or going for maximum kills on every level, may restart it tonite on the next setting or may go for ledgendary :o


Not heard of the ending being dependant on how hard the game is,will report back once i have recompleted it, mind you some parts where very easy then you turn a corner and its like hitting a brick wall and nothing you do seems to work.


would not like to play it on easy maybe it replaces the weapons with feather dusters and duck feather pillows :lol:


legendary is absolutely solid, I tried it but just kept on getting my ass whooped by grunts...Heroic is a nice challeng ( gonna get back into it tonite methinks, if the lure of skate doesn't grab me!! )

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