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Wtf........total Joke!


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Bear in mind that her "victim" was kicking the shit out of her boyfriend at the time. Yeah she should probably have been jailed (as the judge said even snow white should have been jailed) but i don't think it's "Sick!!!" that she's had her sentence suspended. Lets face it she's not exactly a threat to society, and there have been recent cases where people have died and the person who did it hasn't served any jail time.

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Bear in mind that her "victim" was kicking the shit out of her boyfriend at the time. Yeah she should probably have been jailed (as the judge said even snow white should have been jailed) but i don't think it's "Sick!!!" that she's had her sentence suspended. Lets face it she's not exactly a threat to society, and there have been recent cases where people have died and the person who did it hasn't served any jail time.


LOL - next time of my mate is getting a kicking I'll pick up a bottle and smash it over someones head..............since that makes it ok.

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I'm shocked that you missed the sarcasm laced in that post. No, really I am.


My point was that it wasn't as if she just picked up a bottle and smacked the nearest bystander, there was a certain amount of provocation. I never said she was right to do it or that it was the right course of action.

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To be fair, there sounds like there may have been some provokation/mitigating circumstances given that her boyfriend was being assaulted. That of course doesn't justify her actions though, and the sentencing does seem rather lenient - I'm not sure of what influence a "glittering future" should have on sentencing (although it should be kept in mind that a great deal of the emphasis on her school record comes from the media reports rather than the Deputy High Bailiff, who's only actually quoted as mentioning it once).

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I'm shocked that you missed the sarcasm laced in that post. No, really I am.


My point was that it wasn't as if she just picked up a bottle and smacked the nearest bystander, there was a certain amount of provocation. I never said she was right to do it or that it was the right course of action.


She still bottled someone at the end of the day, I've seen it done first hand to someone and it wasnt pretty.


She should be made an example of and have a message sent out.

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Glittering Future :o She's an art student for christs sake. Hardly likely to bring world peace.


Also had a pissed up bloke smashed a bottle over someone's head in a pub he would have gone to jail, pure and simple.


Methinks the judge has had his mind swayed by the pretty blonde girl in the dock

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Yeah she did bottle someone and yes it is never an acceptable act all I'm saying is that it's not a complete crackpot of a sentence when you take into account the circumstances. Perhaps too lenient yes but to suggest that this case is a prime example of the manx justice system being bent is over egging the pudding. There are several cases that could be presented as that but i don't think this is one of them.

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