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Wtf........total Joke!


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at the end of the day she didnt have to bottle someone, there was nothing stopping her getting help.


That is exactly the case. If it was in a pub then there surely would of been people to sort it out clearly.


Surprisingly enough she was in my year at my school. The article says "Jim Travers told the court the attack was out of character and that Lang, 19, was a model student." - Erm, that was not the case.


Shes on the Calf of Mann, along with Ean :D

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Thank god that you will never get the opportunity to make "he Island will be a better place!!!!!!"


I hope it isn't so, but Knoxville could yet end up as Lord of Mann. Assuming he can find someone to help him fill out the application form. lol.....


As for the lady in question - good luck to her, sounds like the bloke deserved a good kicking. And I bet he's really embarrassed for getting it from a lady.

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To be honest, and as much as is it burns like a flaming knife into my scrotum, I have to agree with keyboarder. She did not instigate the violence, her boyfrind was taking a vicious beating on the floor, and she is by nature ill equipped to start taking on a bunch of drunken inbreeds, good on her for teaching the bloke a lesson...and by the way, did the guy who got bottled get charged for laying into the boyfriend in the first place?

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Same old shoite yet again. Get good reports in the Courts and you get off with it.


A Sentence should be the same nomatter who, what, where you come from, what your background is or what your futrue holds.


They should have thought about that before lifting a bottle. I know of 2 women who have served time for a similar thing and both have more mitigating things than this bint. Domestic Violence comes to mind as well.


Same old utter bullshit from the same old utter bullshit courts. Again.


She wa very lucky that someone didn't take the bottle off her and shove it in her face. But then it would have been their fault then.


I'm on Medication which doesn't mix with drink. Strangely enought though, i don't drink anymore. But then i'm not an Artist so i don't need to see the pretty colours to give me insparation.

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Methinks the judge has had his mind swayed by the pretty blonde girl in the dock

Reminds me of that 'Not the Nine O'clock news" judge sketch - 'I sentence you to be taken from this place - and round to my place'.


That said though, you have to ask what is the point of prison or the threat of prison if it is not to reform people? If they've not been in bother before, depending on the seriousness of the charge, some people can be 'reformed' by just the shock of 'being in the system' when they suddenly realise what they've done. A criminal record is a a criminal record - suspended or not, and it still means that even a minor indiscretion would see her locked up. That's why we have judges/deemsters and not kangeroo courts, witch-finder generals or the tar and feather brigade. Remember, the word is 'judge'.


However, 'consistency' will always remain an issue when joe public makes decisions or assessments purely on the basis of what he reads in the local/national rag. If you or your son or daughter were in a similar situation or maybe in a situation not of your/their making, I'm sure you'd want your/their previous good character to be taken into account and not expect to be judged the same as the repeat offender sat next to you/them in the dock.


The people that should be locked up are: the repeat offenders, are/likely to become repeat offenders, those who pi** away their second chance, those who are dangers to society, those that won't learn from anything else or those who have committed serious crimes (e.g. 6 month or more sentences). If people like this girl have to be punished and are not a danger to society after such an experience - I don't see why we should pay £1000 a week or whatever just to lock them up, and (after a social report) would rather see them change their life/boyfriend/company, helping out in a nursing home or cleaning up Castletown beach for a couple of months.


I also think in cases such as this they should bring in a classroom of 15/16 year old school children into the court gallery (maybe as part of general studies), to show them that even one stupid booze-fuelled mistake can have serious consequences for the victim and easily land you in serious bother, potentially ruining someone elses life as well as your own - otherwise several of them will be in the same place within a few years.

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...She did not instigate the violence, her boyfrind was taking a vicious beating on the floor, and she is by nature ill equipped to start taking on a bunch of drunken inbreeds, good on her for teaching the bloke a lesson...


Makes it sound more understandable, but given that, by her own admission she was off her head had taken a mixture of presciption drugs and alcohol and couldn't remember what had happened, I doubt she thought it through in quite that way.

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Whatever the rights or wrongs of this particular case it would be as well to remember that the current prison is totally full so that every admission means someone has to be let out early, the situation is particularly difficult as regards female offenders. A suspended sentence for a first offender would probably be a better option in the current situation until Jurby comes on stream.

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Just thinking actually. As an artist she could probably enter this whole incident into the next Turner prize. A post modernistic reflection of the ills of modern society


She would probably win it


Doubtful. I find it highly improbable that the judges for the Turner prize would regard Castletown as a modern society.

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by her own admission she was off her head had taken a mixture of presciption drugs and alcohol and couldn't remember what had happened, I doubt she thought it through in quite that way.


A cynic might just put this down to a creative defense strategy.


To me, the defence of "I was off my head and can't remember what happened. I may have bottled someone, but not sure" is about as weak as it gets. If you can't remember bottling someone, you need locking up.


"I had no option, my boyfriend was getting a kicking and it was a last resort" is totally different, and possibly a reasonable defence, or at least could be used as mitigating circumstances. But as she can't remember the incident, that appears to be the "creative" part, and I'm not sure how the judge bought it.

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It may be worth asking, 'what would I do in the same circumstances?'


If a friend is taking a viscous beating you don't have much time to think! Run away and get help? From who?


In my opinion the girl did the only thing that she could! The sentence she got reflects the fact that our society does not condone violence even in the face of provocation.

I have to agree though that if this was a lad from one of the council estates in the same boat, he would have been stitched up like a kipper and sent down. Now that would have been injustice!


You sometimes need to see the kind of violence that people are capable of to understand the need to retaliate!

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