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Wtf........total Joke!


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Assuming that the way things happened on the report is true then I don't think she did anything wrong! A little extreme maybe but roles reversed, if some pissed up knob is kicking the crap out of someone you care about, no one else is helping and you happen to have a bottle near you? Drinking in castletown is a little bit like the wild west sometimes anyway, you can walk into a pub and there will be complete silence (no tumbleweed seen yet though), if she knocked back some pisshead who then decided to kick the shit out of her boyfriend then I think she had every right to smash him over the head!


Alcohol is such a wonderful thing though, we were out last week and I saw the actual "You spilled my pint" fight! I didn't think people really did that but apparently they do! A group of about 10 lads were kicking off on each other because one of them accidentily knocked a bottle of bud on the floor, daft bastards, however one of them got arrested which made me chuckle!


Anyway that's what I think!

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A criminal record is a a criminal record - suspended or not, and it still means that even a minor indiscretion would see her locked up. That's why we have judges/deemsters and not kangeroo courts, witch-finder generals or the tar and feather brigade. Remember, the word is 'judge'.


I did not copy Albert Tatlocks entire post but it is the most reasoned here. Whether or not she has served time she has a criminal record that will stay with her for the rest of her life. It will impede her in many ways. For example, she will not be able to emigrate to certain desireable countries (e.g. NZ, Aus, US, Canada), she will never be able to foster or adopt children, Every time she goes for an interview (job, college, mortgage, even just opening a bank account etc.) it will come up.


And yet what of the person who caused the whole issue? He gets a compensation payment to help fuel his next pub brawl. That is what is pathetic.

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To me, the defence of "I was off my head and can't remember what happened. I may have bottled someone, but not sure" is about as weak as it gets. If you can't remember bottling someone, you need locking up.


I agree. I don't think the legal system does though. Judging by the frequency of similar alcohol related pleas appearing in the local press I would hazard a guess that it is in the defendant's interest to opt for the "I was blotto" line as a means of ruling out any evidence of pre-meditation.

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I am undecided, although I do sway on the side slightly that what the judge gave her was right due to her not being in trouble before and that she has a good future ahead of her etc


However, thinking about what I would do if I saw my man in a fight, I dont think I would have the gumption to actually pick up a bottle an hit someone with it! I just dont think I would be able to do that, although I would try and get my boyfriend out of the fight. I just dont know! She obviously has a bit of a side to her to do that - I would be too scared! This all makes me think that she has a voilent streak in her and would do the same again if she felt threatened. Did she get community service?


I do sometimes think that prison is not always the answer for many people as it seems to make them worse so the judge did the right thing. I does seem unfair to other people though that would deffo get banged up for the same crime, but then the justice system is not a one shoe fits all!


I am more worried about her being on presciption drugs (lets bet that her name wasnt on the prescription bottle!) and getting so hammered she couldnt even remember doing it.....what will she do next time!

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A number of posters here seem to be suggesting that the chirpy working class hero type from a council estate, (it's the dirty fingernails that give them away you know) finding themselves in similar circumstances would be bang to rights guv throw away the key and rot in jail and etc,etc, lol.... This just smacks of intelligence/education envy to me and isn't borne out by any facts. Can anyone provide a single link or reference to a case where a "young lad" fitting my description above has been sent to prison for a similar circumtances charge of abh as a first offence? I doubt it.

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at the end of the day she didnt have to bottle someone, there was nothing stopping her getting help.


That is exactly the case. If it was in a pub then there surely would of been people to sort it out clearly.


Surprisingly enough she was in my year at my school. The article says "Jim Travers told the court the attack was out of character and that Lang, 19, was a model student." - Erm, that was not the case.

Okay, I've got the popcorn, and I'm ready for more



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A number of posters here seem to be suggesting that the chirpy working class hero type from a council estate, (it's the dirty fingernails that give them away you know) finding themselves in similar circumstances would be bang to rights guv throw away the key and rot in jail and etc,etc, lol.... This just smacks of intelligence/education envy to me and isn't borne out by any facts. Can anyone provide a single link or reference to a case where a "young lad" fitting my description above has been sent to prison for a similar circumtances charge of abh as a first offence? I doubt it.


Perhaps not the same circumstances, but I know of a lad at work from this kind of background, as am I incidentally, who was seemingly picked on as an easy solution to petty offences. We had something of a high value stolen from work, and we were 100% sure of the culprit. I advised the police who it was who had taken it as we wanted to press charges. They never even interviewed the guy. They went straight for the unfortunate fall guy because he was a 'known fellon' despite being told categorically that he had nothing to do with it. The whole thing fell apart and the culprit got away with it!


So, I can easily imagine how a case like this would proceed!

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So this intelligent, and seemingly attrictive young lady who clearly looks as if butter wouldn't melt etc etc, justed happened to bottle some guy cause she'd had a couple of drinks (plus some presecription drugs) and was defending her fella.


Sorry, if she's so clever why didn't she avoid alcohol with her "prescription drugs, in most cases alcohol is recommended not to be taken as it can (not always) reduce the effect of the drugs, and in many cases, and her doctor will have explained this, it can result in accellerating the impact of alcohol (which sometimes is what is sought to happen).


I don't subscribe to the alcohol/drugs excuse, a bottling is a bottling and the injury could have been a lot worse, any reasonable person would have sought assistance from the publican and or security staff.


Personally I think she got of light.

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So this intelligent, and seemingly attrictive young lady who clearly looks as if butter wouldn't melt etc etc, justed happened to bottle some guy cause she'd had a couple of drinks (plus some presecription drugs) and was defending her fella.


Sorry, if she's so clever why didn't she avoid alcohol with her "prescription drugs, in most cases alcohol is recommended not to be taken as it can (not always) reduce the effect of the drugs, and in many cases, and her doctor will have explained this, it can result in accellerating the impact of alcohol (which sometimes is what is sought to happen).


I don't subscribe to the alcohol/drugs excuse, a bottling is a bottling and the injury could have been a lot worse, any reasonable person would have sought assistance from the publican and or security staff.


Personally I think she got of light.


Awww but she looks so cute! :lol:

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So this intelligent, and seemingly attrictive young lady who clearly looks as if butter wouldn't melt etc etc, justed happened to bottle some guy cause she'd had a couple of drinks (plus some presecription drugs) and was defending her fella.


Sorry, if she's so clever why didn't she avoid alcohol with her "prescription drugs, in most cases alcohol is recommended not to be taken as it can (not always) reduce the effect of the drugs, and in many cases, and her doctor will have explained this, it can result in accellerating the impact of alcohol (which sometimes is what is sought to happen).


I don't subscribe to the alcohol/drugs excuse, a bottling is a bottling and the injury could have been a lot worse, any reasonable person would have sought assistance from the publican and or security staff.


Personally I think she got of light.


Awww but she looks so cute! :lol:



Depends which end of the bottle you look from...god help the boyfriend if they fall out and there's a knife to hand.

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Depends which end of the bottle you look from...god help the boyfriend if they fall out and there's a knife to hand.


Good point actually, he should be careful not to piss her off otherwise he might wake up one morning with his nuts in a jar!

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