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The Man Who Sued God


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Nebraska State Senator Sues God


LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — The defendant in a state senator's lawsuit is accused of causing untold death and horror and threatening to cause more still. He can be sued in Douglas County, the legislator claims, because He's everywhere.


State Sen. Ernie Chambers sued God last week. Angered by another lawsuit he considers frivolous, Chambers says he's trying to make the point that anybody can file a lawsuit against anybody.


Chambers says in his lawsuit that God has made terroristic threats against the senator and his constituents, inspired fear and caused "widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants."


The Omaha senator, who skips morning prayers during the legislative session and often criticizes Christians, also says God has caused "fearsome floods ... horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes."


He's seeking a permanent injunction against the Almighty.


Will Jesus H Christ be called as witness? :)

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Chambers says he's trying to make the point that anybody can file a lawsuit against anybody.


What does he suggest as an alternative? By all means have appropriate checks and balances in place so that those who abuse the right by bringing vexatious lawsuits are dealt with swiftly, but don't restrict the right to litigate per se.

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Fundamental flaw: does God have a legal personality able to sue and be sued? Where will the necessary writ be served, how will he show his mark and to whom will he swear oath?


Another bit of American press generated legal tripe

So perhaps he ought to sue all God's self-appointed representatives on Earth?

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Fundamental flaw: does God have a legal personality able to sue and be sued? Where will the necessary writ be served, how will he show his mark and to whom will he swear oath?


Another bit of American press generated legal tripe

So perhaps he ought to sue all God's self-appointed representatives on Earth?

Perhaps God will show us a sign - a bus load of lawyers/advocates going over a cliff this afternoon would clinch it for me!

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