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[BBC News] Kershaw admits to breaching order


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I know its rare to stick up for the IOM Newspapers on these hallowed pages, but, incase you haven't noticed, the IOM News haven't given Andy the same treatment that the nationals have given him. They haven't ripped off quotes from here or elsewhere, they haven't hounded or doorstepped him, intruded or anything like that


What they have done is given him a regular court report, including what he did, what he said & what he was sentenced with, albeit with a picture attached to acknowledge who he is, but nothing more.

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On board the Enterprise the monitoring shows how the story has been dealt with differently


with a web internet site for Guardian Unlimited saying:-


Outside court, Kershaw said: "I've lost my kids, I've lost the woman I love, I've lost everything. It's a very difficult time for me. I just want peace and quiet."




Whereas a web-internet site for Manx Radio says:-


Kershaw, who was told to seek referral for medical assistance at his previous court appearance, joked as he came out of the courtroom, asking if people wanted his autograph.





Our thoughts here are in agreement with your correspondent John Wright who says:-



Lets now give him the space, peace, quiet and anonymity he needs to put the pieces back together and offer him support, quietly, if we come across him.


Same goes for his partner and their kids


Live long and prosper.

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Nah, there he is, GET HIM!! lol.........


And you just show yourself up to be a bloody bigger tosser with every post that you write. Now crawl back into the hole in which you belong.


And as for Andy Kershaw - he should be left to try and rebuild his life.

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Nah, there he is, GET HIM!! lol.........


And you just show yourself up to be a bloody bigger tosser with every post that you write. Now crawl back into the hole in which you belong.


And as for Andy Kershaw - he should be left to try and rebuild his life.


erm...it was a joke, wasn't it?

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Leave him be, (Kershaw that is), and let him get himself back together.


As an aside, what kind of fame should involve greater public interest in your private life?


I would say those who are in positions where they have a direct influence over the rest of our lives are fair game (politicians being the obvious); but those that just are there to entertain are not really. The fact that the media may try to elevate them into that category, doesn't mean they are influential, so why the prurient interest in every aspect of their lives and misdemeanours?

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why the prurient interest in every aspect of their lives and misdemeanours?

Because some tiny minds have sod all else to do but sit in judgement. Presumably they themselves are utterly flawless................. They must be absolute paragons of perfection.

I'm not and I know it.

Let the man sort himself out and leave him alone. He's got problems but only he can work through them. Good luck to him.

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Nor do I. Lucky he didn't hurt someone. He'll lose his licence obviously but that should be the end of the national media exposure when he does. After that I hope he'll be left alone to work through his problems. And the same goes for his wife and children.

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"Speaking outside the court, Mr Kershaw said: 'I've lost my kids, I've lost the woman I love, I've lost everything. I just want peace and quiet.'"


You never lose your kids - you always remain their father/mother, even if an ex gets married 4 more times - but it is usually only when the chaos and the dust from separation/divorce settles down, that many people start to realise this. In the meantime, the real danger is that kids get phsycologically damaged and distressed through arguments and the trauma of it all - more parents should remember this - as childhoods can be ruined and many problems stored for later life (including impacting the relationships their kids will get into when they grow up).


Kids don't want divorced parents who put their needs last, divorced parents who won't talk to each other at their own kids wedding. kids don't want to have to take sides, act as referees or be expected to act as a communications channel.


Divorce/separation more often involves more than two people - more people should remember this when they are considering having children (married or living together). With children, you are never really 'divorced' from an ex partner and it is only the nature of the relationship that changes.

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