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[BBC News] Kershaw admits to breaching order


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why the prurient interest in every aspect of their lives and misdemeanours?

Because some tiny minds have sod all else to do but sit in judgement. Presumably they themselves are utterly flawless................. They must be absolute paragons of perfection.


That is very likely to be their own view of themselves. To everyone else, they're probably talentless tossers who are eaten up by envy and malicious resentment at their own lack of success.

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Sad, but he's not really helping himself is he? If he's drink driving while on bail he's taking a huge risk, and obviously not thinking of the consequences


From Iomtoday:

Advocate Nigel Cordwell said the Radio Three presenter was of previous good character and a social inquiry report into the circumstances of the offences may assist the court for sentencing purposes.


Kershaw, of Shore Road, Peel, was bailed until October 9 with the added conditions that he does not drive and that he co-operates with the compiling of reports by the probation service.

I do hope any 'sentence' he gets is suspended and becuase of his 'previous good character' he is given some slack, and that they do take into consideration that the breakdown of a relationship can cause aberations for many people. Having the rug pulled from under your life can cause temporary 'insanity' and 'commonsense failure' for the best of us - I know that first hand - and years later looking back, I think 'jeez...things could have worked out horribly if I'd have carried on that way' and not had the support of a few close friends, who can often put things in perspective.


They say getting over a major relationship breakdown can take about five years and I would agree with that - and it is only when you have developed a new routine, revaluated who you are, and sorted your relationship with your ex and children (remebering that those relationship go on for the whole of your childrens lives) that you can move on. For some people, the breakdown of a family is just like a death, when you have to go through 1. denial, 2. anger, 3. bargaining, 4. depression and 5. acceptance. All this sounds like it is only at stages 2 to 3 to me.


I don't agree time is a healer, I think you have to go through stages 1 to 5, and it's just a coincidence that time happens to pass by as you do. Diving straight into another relationship does nothing, other than delay your progress through the stages and can quite often cause trust and other problems in that next relationship.


Love can be the strongest emotion of them all...but it can also be a right b****d - usually for one person - as the other decided the relationship was over at least a year before the split.

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Having the rug pulled from under your life can cause temporary 'insanity' and 'commonsense failure' for the best of us - I know that first hand - and years later looking back, I think 'jeez...things could have worked out horribly if I'd have carried on that way' and not had the support of a few close friends, who can often put things in perspective.

Aye. Been there, done that and got the bloody T shirt. Like you Albert, I've looked into the abyss and the abyss looked back into me. ( Apologies to Nietzsche for borrowing/paraphrasing his quote ) It's not a nice place to be.

I don't agree time is a healer,

Nor do I, the memories are still there. The trick is to realise/understand that and walk past.


I hope Andy gets through it.

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Nah, there he is, GET HIM!! lol.........


And you just show yourself up to be a bloody bigger tosser with every post that you write. Now crawl back into the hole in which you belong.


And as for Andy Kershaw - he should be left to try and rebuild his life.


erm...it was a joke, wasn't it?


Sorry to interrupt the flow of this topic butKeyboarder coming out with a joke? He/She's the only poster on here who follows EVERY post with "lol" because no one else will laugh at his/her so-called jokes.


And as for being scathing Keyboarder - if only! You just prove yourself to be more full of shite with every ill-considered, ill-humored "joke". I think the term for you is "wanker".

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Nah, there he is, GET HIM!! lol.........


And you just show yourself up to be a bloody bigger tosser with every post that you write. Now crawl back into the hole in which you belong.


And as for Andy Kershaw - he should be left to try and rebuild his life.


erm...it was a joke, wasn't it?


Sorry to interrupt the flow of this topic butKeyboarder coming out with a joke? He/She's the only poster on here who follows EVERY post with "lol" because no one else will laugh at his/her so-called jokes.


And as for being scathing Keyboarder - if only! You just prove yourself to be more full of shite with every ill-considered, ill-humored "joke". I think the term for you is "wanker".


Don't include me in this. I though it was mildly amusing.

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