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Team Fortress 2 Server


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We've set up a private TF2 server, nice and fast, good game limt, but want to keep it non public so we can always get a game :)




If you're interested, priv me for the password.


Because it's passworded, it's likely to start off empty. However we have an elite IRC bot which watches the server and reports if people join. So if you're first, hang around for awhile. Trust me, it's going to fill up in the evenings.

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How does the game play compared to TFC?


Haven't had a lot of time to read into it myself as yet - but heard there are no grenades in this version?


Doesn't sound the same without scouts + meds concing all over the place..

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How does the game play compared to TFC?

Haven't had a lot of time to read into it myself as yet - but heard there are no grenades in this version?

Doesn't sound the same without scouts + meds concing all over the place..


It's a lot less spammy, only the demo man has grenades. It's loads of fun though, the class balance is spot on.


Uni, no, just playing TF2 off the preorder. Had a good crowd on the server tonight :)

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We've set up a private TF2 server, nice and fast, good game limt, but want to keep it non public so we can always get a game :)




Server's now not going to be passworded most of the time. As tf2 really needs loads of folks online, we've lifted the password and will let it fill up to the 24 player limit.


We've linked it to our irc bot (#eed on quakenet), so we can kick a space for mates whenever needed.


Add it to your faves and come kick our arse :)

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  • 1 month later...

How is the server going i have been tempted on buying orange box as i am a big halflife fan and also a team fortress fan since day one.


Is the server still running and is the game as good as it looks ?

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Had my first crack at TF2 this evening (which is a bit stupid since I've had a full Orange Box install on my PC for a couple of weeks already, so I'm a bit late to the party), wasn't really sure what to expect but it's absolutely bloody fantastic.


Counter Strike (and CSS) were my bread and butter for years, so I slipped into TF2 like a comfy pair of slippers (despite the differences there are enough similarities to make it feel cosy, not least the standard "Valve Interface" as it were).


Only put a couple of hours in so I'm not at all versed in the nuances of the classes or indeed learnt the maps yet, but in terms of the "grab factor" it's the most compelling game I've played for ages - and it helps that everything is soaked in genuinely intelligent humour.


The only downside with this PC renaissance is that my poor old 360 hasn't even been turned on in days, and having been reminded how infinintely superior a keyboard and mouse is for FPS games, the 360 might just have to do driving games, fighting games, and arcade games in the future.


I'll be playing a lot more TF2 in the days to come, but in the meantime forgive me for being a total n00b if I show up on the MF server :D

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It's not the MF server, it's a server run by Slim's clan. Lots of regular folks there and the general standard of teamplay is higher than your average public. Just worth mentioning in case you thought you'd see a load of MF posters on there, you wont. Mostly because your average MF poster does not have opposable thumbs.

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