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If only this were true. Most of the people I know think the airport security regime which the jobsworths at DoT has provided us with is an embarressment to visitor to the Island, excessive and an absolute waste of time.


This is the latest in a 2 week DoT bombardment of "positive" [paid for???] media stories (listen to manx radio and how busy the boys are doing a hard job). I'd have been happier if they'd spent the money fixing some of the cr*p roads up.

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The DOT do definitely seem to take everything to the extreme. The checks seems far more rigorous and intense than many of the international airports I have been flying through in the past few years.


Even going on the boat has turned into a nightmare with security checks et al. Still amazes me that every foot passenger gets 'airline' style security when only a handful of cars get a very brief check. Oh, and of course, once they've 'checked' your car, you are free to walk about, enter the terminal and mix with anyone, pick up anything from the area prior to security and walk back to your car.


WTF is all that about. All for show IMO.

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I was on a flight last week from the Island and I didnt think that the security measures were excessive at all. I think that people over here just love to have something to moan about and at the moment it seems to be the Dept of Transport!

If you dont want to read news items about the DOT then dont look at them! They obviously interested you in some way and therefore are justified news items. You moan because they are fixing the roads up ie Braddan Bridge and then assume that they are spending money on PR which should be spent on the roads!?! Make up your mind

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I was on a flight last week from the Island and I didnt think that the security measures were excessive at all. I think that people over here just love to have something to moan about and at the moment it seems to be the Dept of Transport!

If you dont want to read news items about the DOT then dont look at them! They obviously interested you in some way and therefore are justified news items. You moan because they are fixing the roads up ie Braddan Bridge and then assume that they are spending money on PR which should be spent on the roads!?! Make up your mind


Are you moaning about people moaning?


As I said, the security measures were inconsistant getting on the same craft from different airports. Here, you have to take off your shoes and belt. At Gatwick you don't. Therefore the IOM end is excessive, no?

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Again at the Sea Terminal I have never experienced any sort of 'airport' security measures.


I think there would be a problem if the security measures were causing major hold-ups etc but as it stands they are very fast and I have never experienced any kind of problem at all! Yeah the shoes coming off is sometimes a bit of a nighmare but hey!?!


And yes I am moaning about people moaning!

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It is possible that the standard of work produced by the DoT has improved to such an extent that it is very close to being second-rate. Should that be a reason to moan?

It is possible that the security checks (the IoM being an obvious target for terrorist activity) has been so discreet and efficient as to only inconvenience 50% more people than similar checks at likely targets such as Heathrow or Gatwick. Should that be a reason to moan?

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Even going on the boat has turned into a nightmare with security checks et al. Still amazes me that every foot passenger gets 'airline' style security when only a handful of cars get a very brief check. Oh, and of course, once they've 'checked' your car, you are free to walk about, enter the terminal and mix with anyone, pick up anything from the area prior to security and walk back to your car.


I second that.


Came back from Ireland twice in the car. First time they checked under the car with their mirror device. Just so happened that my wing mirror glass was taped on. Could of easily stashed anything behind that but they weren't bothered.


Second time was just let strait through.


Morale of the story, if you want to smuggle anything in, do it in a car and hide it in obvious places.

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Again at the Sea Terminal I have never experienced any sort of 'airport' security measures.

Eh, take a look. Honestly, they are there.


I think there would be a problem if the security measures were causing major hold-ups
You would be surprised by the problems caused by the need to screen every foot passenger, without having the correct facilities for segregation of passengers.


Meaning that all of the security checks are done at the time of loading, rather than a good length of time prior to it, as happens at airports.


It has caused many delays to boarding in the past.

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There are virtually no links to places outside of the British Isles (CI,UK,Rep Ireland) from the Island so any terrorists/illicit material has already entered via another port - when the IRA were active it made some sense to check any transit via the Island (anyone remember those forms you had to fill in at the old Liverpool airport and special branch one-way mirrors) but I cannot see why the Ben could be a terrorist target (possibly irate passengers might feel that way) that requires passengers to be checked en route to UK whereas returning from Heysham/Liverpool there are virtually no checks.


My own guess is that having been forced to employ security checks the admin now need to find something for them to do

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I tend not to post these days about 'the job' as it's generally proved counterproductive in the past. As ever I welcome email comments at work, but don't think an internet forum is the place to discuss my employer's business.


However, I feel it important to nip this thread in the bud.


The decision to 'go behind the scenes' of various public services (DHSS, DoT, DoLGE) this summer was mine. I approached the relevant departments, and there is absolutely no question of any of the feature pieces being paid for. The only bribe I ever got was a cup of coffee, and even that was with chemical milk.


I've criticised a number of these people in the past - DoT road gangs and airport security for examples - and I've been able to put those criticisms to the people responsible. If you listen to the full Mandate interviews you'll (hopefully) have at least a couple of "I never thought of it like that" moments - like I did.


Part of the airport batch of interviews (airing next week) includes a chat with the new airport director about onerous security measures making air travel a nightmare. Her response is VERY interesting.

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