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Will listen with interest.


I read on the web that if you stretch a fine cotton thread between your gateposts it will stop elephants coming up your drive. I've tried this and it works - haven't seen an elephant yet - not even a footprint.

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They dont bother searching the vehicles as heavily as the foot passengers, as the IOMSPA allows the drugs dogs on the car deck during the crossing (or so a little birdy told me)

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They dont bother searching the vehicles as heavily as the foot passengers, as the IOMSPA allows the drugs dogs on the car deck during the crossing (or so a little birdy told me)

there are NO checks on foot passengers travelling to the Island via Heysham (unless introduced post TT after which I switched to Liverpool but will check in a few days as Heysham was being repainted and possibly updated at that time) ; the Liverpool to Island check is very minimal (20% chance of a metal detector check) - the check Douglas outwards is a metal detector + hand baggage X-ray - there are no dogs on the passenger decks.

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It would be interesting to know what all these checks throw up over the average year, ie are they cost effective!? I bet there would be better pickings from all the small boats going back and forth across the Irish Sea. And what about all the private aircraft - who checks those out?

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I tend not to post these days about 'the job' as it's generally proved counterproductive in the past. As ever I welcome email comments at work, but don't think an internet forum is the place to discuss my employer's business.


However, I feel it important to nip this thread in the bud.


The decision to 'go behind the scenes' of various public services (DHSS, DoT, DoLGE) this summer was mine. I approached the relevant departments, and there is absolutely no question of any of the feature pieces being paid for. The only bribe I ever got was a cup of coffee, and even that was with chemical milk.


I've criticised a number of these people in the past - DoT road gangs and airport security for examples - and I've been able to put those criticisms to the people responsible. If you listen to the full Mandate interviews you'll (hopefully) have at least a couple of "I never thought of it like that" moments - like I did.


Part of the airport batch of interviews (airing next week) includes a chat with the new airport director about onerous security measures making air travel a nightmare. Her response is VERY interesting.

Thanks for that report Stu No 6 No 97.2 prisoner.jpg


Since when did you work for the DoT and airport authority? There are 9000 people (25% of the working population) in 'the job', do you really think their opinions don't matter all of a sudden?


I suggest you come back here with an anonymous name, if you haven't already ;)

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It would be interesting to know what all these checks throw up over the average year, ie are they cost effective!? I bet there would be better pickings from all the small boats going back and forth across the Irish Sea. And what about all the private aircraft - who checks those out?


C&E have a cutter and are responsible for non-commercial traffic, I believe (so I think that they would also be responsible for private aircraft)

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Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds and Belfast city airport all have the same security measures as Ronaldsway (have been through all of them in the last 4 months) but it a much more massive pain in the arse (not literally, thankfully!) as they are busier airports than Ronaldsway. I've been super close to missing my flights cause their security staff are pretty much brain-dead and seem to take ages screening the passengers. Point is (I think) that the staff down at the airport are fairly speedy with their checks and it doesn't hold up the queue much.

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Stu, there anything in your interviews about why the security measures are different Gatwick to IOM than IOM to Gatwick?

Probably - from memory I think it's because each airport is expected to comply with relevant security guidelines, but the actual implementation of the measures is up to them.

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