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Armed Response Time


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how long will it be before some kid touting a BB gun gets taken out by the Islands armed response teams.


Probably only a question of time ... I feel sorry for the officer who will be involved but the scrote with the BB gun will get no sympathy from me ... hopefully the rest of the retards that carry them will learn the error of their ways after the event.

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It would be very interesting to find out what rules of engagments they have. For soldiers in a police role, they had the good old yellow card, the rules were full of grey areas but the general rule of thumb was, if you have time to think then dont shoot, might not make much sense to read but it is a very good rule.


Also you could not engage unless there is a direct threat to you or a member of the public, meaning that if some scrote has got a bb gun and is swamped by armed police shouting "armed police hands on your head" and the scrote has the really stupid idea of pointing the weapon at anyone, then he will be shot.


I have faith in the armed officers training and i dont expect that we will see an own goal on the island anytime soon.

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It would be very interesting to find out what rules of engagments they have. For soldiers in a police role, they had the good old yellow card, the rules were full of grey areas but the general rule of thumb was, if you have time to think then dont shoot, might not make much sense to read but it is a very good rule.

...you forgot to add 'plus if you do shoot - remember dead men tell no tales, so do it properly'.

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Interesting developments, how long will it be before some kid touting a BB gun gets taken out by the Islands armed response teams.


Hopefully not long - it might make some of the silly little twats who think its funny think twice. I'm with the police on this. Anyone stupid enough to wave a BB gun around deserves a visit from an armed response team.


Maybe when he's bricking it in the back of a police van with a real gun in his face the urge to do it again might wear off!

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As someone who has enjoyed using BB guns for skirmishing for nearly 15 years now in a sensible fashion I've always been for this kind of thing coming into force.


I started the Manx Airsoft Club several years ago and the members of the club were always incensed when some cretin would jeopardise the future of our sport by waving an airsoft (BB) gun round in public like they were in "In the hood" or something.


I've spoken to the Police several times over the years now to ensure they were aware of who & where we were to avoid any potential problems and they were always great about it. I handed the club over to someone else a couple of years ago after being too short of time & getting a bit fed up with it all, but they're doing a really good job now of moving things up a peg & have been involved with the Police over these matters.


I don't have much sympathy either for people getting themselves in trouble because of this sort of thing. In this day & age there's no excuse - it's not like 15-20 years ago when no-one would bat an eyelid at a youth with a toy gun.


I'm just glad that the Law have recognised (unlike in the UK) that banning/restricting them or whatever would be completely futile, given the vast numbers people already have, and the fact that anyone that has one for nefarious means is not likely to hand one in if they become illegal to own. It's nice that we haven't been treated like idiots, but that at last they have proper powers to deal with those who act like idiots with them.

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I think its a sad sate of affairs when we need an armed response team to deal with some kid with a BB gun


I think most people could spot the difference between an armed robber, an armed terrorist and an armed nutcase. The last two are easy to spot because they will probably be firing at you and real guns make a loud bang. The first will probably shoot you if you try to stop him robbing the bank, the jewelers, you etc.otherwise your relatively safe .


Statistically your chances of meeting any of the above are millions to one, probably more if you stay in the IOM. In fact you are far more likely to be killed or injured trying to install something you bought at B&Q


I have only witnessed one armed robbery in my life which was during a five year stint as a courier in central London, I found the experience more bewildering than frightening. The only time I was ever made to do anything at gunpoint was in Laos, and I was being a twat and deserved it.


The police should make an appropriate response to a situation and not use some dickhead with a toy as an excuse to run round tooled up to fuck and dressed like Darth Vader

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I agree it's a sad state of affairs but I'd much rather they're able to punish the idiots that willfully cause mayhem than be powerless to give them nothing more than a stern telling off.



It seems to be the response which is mayhem rather than the act of brandishing a toy gun.


I have the dubious distinction of belonging to a family where my father, myself and both brothers have all had our airguns confiscated by the police when we were kids


In those situations a stern telling off and the loss of our weapons was sufficient to neutralise any further threat

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That's fair enough, but there's a world of difference between an 'airgun' and a BB gun/Airsoft gun. I own airguns myself and it's not the norm that they resemble a proper firearms, especially in pistol form.

The majority of BB guns however are designed to be exact replicas of real firearms, and in a lot of cases are absolutely indistinguishable from the real thing until you get the chance to hold them yourself or stare down the barrel to see it has a smaller barrel inside it.

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That's fair enough, but there's a world of difference between an 'airgun' and a BB gun/Airsoft gun. I own airguns myself and it's not the norm that they resemble a proper firearms, especially in pistol form.

The majority of BB guns however are designed to be exact replicas of real firearms, and in a lot of cases are absolutely indistinguishable from the real thing until you get the chance to hold them yourself or stare down the barrel to see it has a smaller barrel inside it.


Your right


Kill the lot of them, let god sort them out

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That's fair enough, but there's a world of difference between an 'airgun' and a BB gun/Airsoft gun. I own airguns myself and it's not the norm that they resemble a proper firearms, especially in pistol form.

The majority of BB guns however are designed to be exact replicas of real firearms, and in a lot of cases are absolutely indistinguishable from the real thing until you get the chance to hold them yourself or stare down the barrel to see it has a smaller barrel inside it.



an air gun is a proper gun, that is why you need a licence for them. and they look like proper airguns too.

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an air gun is a proper gun, that is why you need a licence for them. and they look like proper airguns too.


You're half right. An airgun (and shotgun) is a regulated weapon (which is why I have a license for them). A 'proper' gun is a firearm and that requires a higher level license (FAC).


Of course airguns look like proper airguns. :rolleyes:


Airsoft/BB guns for the vast majority look nothing like airguns, even though in a vague kind of way they are a kind of 'airgun', but they do mimic firearms in their appearance.

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But, the armed response unit WILL NOT shoot nless they have dialogue with the armed individual and clearly arent getting anywhere.


A teen brandishing a BB gun will clearly shit themselves and drop the gun.... unless of course they have other ideas, which they then deserved to be capped in the knees.


I am all for knee capping.


If confronted by some poor unfortunate waving an imitation weapon at me I would personally dialogue in a manner that I would raise the adrenlin, run at the numpty, knock him/her over, and then persist to beat the shite out of him/her which would take some considerable time because they are full of shite.


I know it does not make sense and is mentally unsound but the numpty would not be able act in such a manner again and I would be free in 3 to 4 years.


Reasonable force - I am led to believe that if confronted with a knife/gun/fist one can respond with a knife/gun/fist as long as you don't shoot them in the back aka Tony Martin while they are running shit scared away.


I know things about you that you don't know yourself grasshopper.


He is over the last

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