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O.j. Stashes Cash In Mann


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Well, it isn't good publicity, but the fact is we all have to check the source of wealth and source of funds. As long as they are clean (ie not the proceeds of crime, or likely to assist in a future criminal exploit) and you understand the purpose, then the next step is the possible reputational risk, i.e. the 'bad smell'.


That last category is the hardest to risk manage. You can tick all the boxes, and have a thorough understanding of what your client is trying to achieve, and still come unstuck.


Who is to say when those funds were taken into the IOM (possibly when he was a cheery bit-player in 'Airplane'), who knows?


However, being involved in that industry, I would say we do take a responsible attitude and the industry is far better than when I first entered it almost 30 years ago with lots of men in shiney suits, lots of suitcases stuffed with cash and a great many, visible, 'chancers' .


He may not be a 'nice' person, but that doesn't mean his cash is dirty, you just keep a closer eye on it.

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