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Richmond Hill Mayhem And Slaughter


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I work for the emergency services and I would like to know when anyone in government is going to do anything about the horrific death and accident rate associated with Richmond Hill? I heard someone wanted to straighten it out, but isn't this going to add to the speeding-related carnage?


-- Edited by Mod - first think, then post ---



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The DOT could make a start by removing that huge electric signboard at the bottom of th hill.


It' blindingly bright at night and very distracting with is pointless and bizarre messages It's also far to low, these thing are meant to be mounted much higher up so they can be read without distracting the driver.


It's badly positioned just before a fast blind bend, probably the most dangerous place to put it. There was a very nasty accident just beyond this sign last year.

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Well, let's hope they don't even remotely think about putting a "safety" camera there:


A35 makes speed camera top 10


ONE of Dorset's major trunk routes has made a top 10 of roads which according to figures have the highest number of speed cameras yet are still the scene of many major accidents.


The A35, which in Dorset runs from the Devon border to Christchurch, has 17 cameras, according to traffic information company Keepmoving.co.uk.


However there have been, on average, 14.62 people killed or seriously injured (KSI) per year since April 2002.

advertisement. The figures have led to the A35 being placed ninth in the list.


Leading the table is the A6 in Lancashire which has 31 cameras and had 16.61 KSIs since April 2002.


According to a recent Parliamentary written answer Britain has 7,935 speed cameras of which 5,562 are fixed.


In contrast, Germany has 3,108 fixed cameras, Italy 1,945 and Holland 1,594.


Keepmoving.co.uk product director Alex Petrie said: "This survey highlights that it is important to remember that speed isn't the only factor in accidents."


Hm..a limit and speed cameras, and still loads of RTAs - or maybe it is because of it all?


If there's one thing the DoT should really consider, then it's reducing the amount of signs that clutter the side of the road - they seem to be sign-mad.. Old North Quay from the Railway pub to the swing bridge had over 100 signs alone - and that's a side road. The new one doesn't look much better. Just no point - only because there isn't a sign doesn't mean they have to put one there. Said it before and say it again: BRING IN SHARED SPACE ! The project that has irrefutably proven that the current approach to traffic management is the wrong one...

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Let's introduce an all island speed limit :rolleyes:



Whats that gonna do?


You hear of motorists being killed in england everyday that are on roads with speed limits.


When its dark do you think people are gonna do 30/50/ .. I dont think so.



If someone wants to be a dickhead then they will.

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I have made generalization in this post which in no way should be connected to the recent crash on the Ballahutchin


I think what Hermes is trying to say is "We should all go up to Nobles and get a lobotomy and drive round the Island in pedal cars wrapped up in cotton wool " <_<


You can not really stop what I call "automotive evolution" I understand that not all accidents are self inflicted and my heart felt sympathy goes out to families that have lost loved ones through the actions of others or actual accidents but i certainly do not feel the loss when i hear that some fool has ploughed his car in to a hedge purely because he is trying to loosen some chavets knickers elastic or show his mate's he is the next Lewis Hamilton.


The problem I feel is nobody feels responsible for their actions any more and do not consider the fallout of what they are doing when in control of a vehicle or even just a passenger, if your in a car and they are driving like a tit tell them,I admit to driving faster than i should in my van on occasion but vans have come a long way since the introduction of the local commercial speed limit stickers and they can certainly out perform alot of regular cars, i am normally the only one in the van at the time so take full responsibility for my actions, where as if there is a group of young adults hooning around the roads at night i feel they ALL should be held accountable if there is an accident not just the driver.


I await my flaming :ph34r:

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Richmond Hill needs a armco barrier (similar to what seperates motorway lanes) right up the centre of the hill, most of the incidents up there are caused by vehicles careering from there side of the carriageway to create carnage in the other opposing carriageway, and at least this would act as a deflector so to speak, it wouldnt be a pretty site as far as armco barriers go but I am sure it would save lives!


Also by providing this barrier you could remove the very fast overtaking lane that acts as a magnet to many cars travelling south!


Perhaps Derek Flint would give us his views on this thought?


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Good post



When you drive a vehicle you are, supposedly, in control of a very powerful piece of machinery. There are too many areseholes and dickheads in our midst that our society has given license to use that machinery.

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I work for the emergency services and I would like to know when anyone in government is going to do anything about the horrific death and accident rate associated with Richmond Hill? I heard someone wanted to straighten it out, but isn't this going to add to the speeding-related carnage?


-- Edited by Mod - first think, then post ---




Why not ask someone in Government?

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