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Richmond Hill Mayhem And Slaughter


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If there's one thing the DoT should really consider, then it's reducing the amount of signs that clutter the side of the road - they seem to be sign-mad.. Old North Quay from the Railway pub to the swing bridge had over 100 signs alone - and that's a side road. The new one doesn't look much better. Just no point - only because there isn't a sign doesn't mean they have to put one there. Said it before and say it again: BRING IN SHARED SPACE ! The project that has irrefutably proven that the current approach to traffic management is the wrong one...


Agreed 100% - all shared space needs is a little courtesy and common sense.


OK - I see the flaw in that, so how about this. Hurts me to say so, but I think we should copy a good idea from Jersey. The busiest junction there (Beaumont) operates a filter in turn ie traffic alternates, filters in, in turn. One after the other. Not always the most efficient solution, which is normally slow-phase traffic lights with a big block of traffic through for each stop/start, but;


it's seen to be fair - cf single queue at banks/post office. You're not cursing the car in front for being too timid, thereby delaying you.


it 'breeds' courtesy and common sense - follow the rules, give way, and you feel better, more relaxed, and will be more inclined to do the same voluntarily later on in your journey


it provides a clear rule, unlike unregulated mini-roundabouts, where essentially might is right

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I work for the emergency services and I would like to know when anyone in government is going to do anything about the horrific death and accident rate associated with Richmond Hill? I heard someone wanted to straighten it out, but isn't this going to add to the speeding-related carnage?


-- Edited by Mod - first think, then post ---



There is nothing wrong with Richmond Hill...it is down to the people driving the cars.

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There is nothing wrong with Richmond Hill...it is down to the people driving the cars.

Agreed but innocent people who are sensibly going about there buisness must be protected, therefore that is why I believe there should be a modern day armco type barrier up there on Richmond Hill to protect them.


I suppose my argument could be applied to many roads that have horrendous statistics on the Isle of Man, but in reality and whilst we have a TT/MGP still alive we will never see armco type barriers on the TT course!


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you could remove the very fast overtaking lane

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is 50mph 'very fast' ?

TBH yes it is, think about it for a second, your doing 50mph and you are hit head on by someone else doing 50mph = Carnage, entrapment and probably lots of trauma to name but a few!

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you could remove the very fast overtaking lane

Last 10


is 50mph 'very fast' ?

TBH yes it is, think about it for a second, your doing 50mph and you are hit head on by someone else doing 50mph = Carnage, entrapment and probably lots of trauma to name but a few!


but that's not what you said :)


do you want a 'very fast 15mph overtaking lane' as 2x 15mph is also capable of carnage ?


I see the only answer to these hapenings is traffic cars sat on corners watching things (or cardboard cutouts work quite well too !)

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I like the idea of a barrier, but I think major works would have to take place to 'shave off' much of the hedge as you go up Richmond Hill, as I suspect you couldn't retain 3 lanes (as they are), a barrier and a pavement. Three lanes are important as it provides the opportunity for people to overtakes buses, lorries and tractors etc. otherwise, as has been said, frustrations would develop in other areas. That said though these barriers don't have to be the same as on motorways and may not take up that much room so perhaps any work might not be too bad. Major lighting would also have to be a major consideration - as would a 'traffic calming' method of 'entering the barrier area' (i.e. the barrier would have to start in the middle of the road somewhere - north and south).



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After following numerous cars up (and down) that hill - the main problem are these -


50 is too fast.

40 is adequate - you can still pass wagons and busses in time - before the corner, at 40.


People dont seem to understand basic Physics. You car goes up hill, it slows down. To over come this - you need to use more power. To get the best power form your engine - the designers have added gears - if numpties changed down in good time they have sufficient power to get them up the hill round the corner and onwards at a steady speed.


The road needs to painted with the words 'crawler lane' on the left, then everybody will use the right hand lane.


Heading North

The 50 zone up Brown Cow hill needs to drop to 40 at the Lanc Tot Spot and continue to the top of the hill, a 30 limit needs to be in place all the way to the Rhode/Road/BandQ roundabout (or what ever they are calling it now) from there.


Heading South.

40 all the way from the Roundabout to the present 'no limit' at the Fairy Bridge.

The large earth bank on the corner needs to shaved back to improve the view for all travelling north and south.


As said earlier - remove that information sign - just replace it with flashing amber lights on a sign that says 'Q Bridge Closed' ... but at the old Post a Rose site instead.


Get rid of the red advertising sign at Mount Murray - I understand that this sign had planning permission for an unlit sign .... LED stands for LIGHT EMMITING DIODE - so its illuminated, get it down!


Speed checks on the Santon straight at 8:00 in the morning and 5:00 in the evening. It will be a money spinner!

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do you want a 'very fast 15mph overtaking lane' as 2x 15mph is also capable of carnage ?

I see the only answer to these hapenings is traffic cars sat on corners watching things (or cardboard cutouts work quite well too !)

TBH Tempus what I actually said was this -

"Also by providing this barrier you could remove the very fast overtaking lane that acts as a magnet to many cars travelling south!"


You brought the 50mph into the subject not me!


What a load of crap about cardboard cut outs or traffic cars sitting on corners, the Police have not got resources available to Police these blackspots! and cardboard cut outs work for a few hours until everone takes the piss out of them thereafter.

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I don't see how 50 is to fast for RH. There are no hazards, ie, houses with children playing etc. Once your used to making sure your in the right place for the corner then it's perfectly safe at 50. If you feel it's to fast to cope then do 40 by all means. I haven't seen anything that I would class as risky myself there (regularly travel that was each day for college). I have heard stories though of people driving to fast and trying to overtake, not judging it properly and nearly causing an accident. As has been said before, I firmly think that education is the way rather than legislation.

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Why on earth RH has to have an overtaking lane has baffled me for decades


...and 30 is perfectly adequate for a speed limit there, you don't need to build massive momentum to reach the top - use your bloody gearbox


To a point that depends how heavy/powerful your vehicle is.


30 is absurd for there. 50 is perfectly reasonable but I suspect that probably a lot of the accidents that happen on Richmond hill involve speeds much more than that, or badly considered overtaking moves on the way up.


I'd heard that they were going to straighten it a bit near the top, hence why the house had been knocked down in preparation. Maybe it was just a load of guff.


A 50 limit or the road itself though isn't the problem there. It's people driving like fools.

The other day coming home from work I was stuck behind the bus going up the hill. Some tool in a silver Golf with R plates was behind me and was on the phone from the moment they zoomed up behind me to where they turned off just after Mount Murray. It's wankers like those that need dealing with to reduce accidents there - just not sure how, given that they ignore the existing rules blatantly.

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