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Richmond Hill Mayhem And Slaughter


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Just a suggestion; perhaps all those who are opposed to a speed limit should prove their worth by taking this course -




I believe it costs £85 nowadays.


I passed the IAM test when I was 19. I found it invaluable. There is no magic spell to be a safe driver, the IAM instructors make you look at the big picture of what is going around you on the roads, increasing the field of where you are looking, and how to anticipate things that might affect you.


They also teach on car control too, how not to get into a situation of danger. Obviously nothing is 100% guaranteed, but is sure increases your chances of having no incidents on the roads.


I believe now, you don't have to become a full member. You can become an associate member without passing the full test, but still gaining the benefit of their experience.


Regarding whether the island should have a national speed limit. It might not stop accidents, but surely it gives the police more power to endorse someones licence should they have caused an accident due to excessive speed?


Having said that, I bet alot of accidents are more caused by lack of capability of how to control a car at any speed!

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how can anyone who has killed by dangerous driving be allowed behind the wheel of a car? you don't buy an axe murder a new axe when he finishes his sentence , you dont give an piss-head a pint when he finished re-hab.


it worry s the crap out of me that people who have killed though incompetence and/or stupidity are on our roads right now,




remember, one day this fuckwit will be back behind the wheel of a car.

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how can anyone who has killed by dangerous driving be allowed behind the wheel of a car? you don't buy an axe murder a new axe when he finishes his sentence , you dont give an piss-head a pint when he finished re-hab.


it worry s the crap out of me that people who have killed though incompetence and/or stupidity are on our roads right now,




remember, one day this fuckwit will be back behind the wheel of a car.


A rather hysterical post if you ask me. I'm no fan of dangerous driving, but this person will probably prove to be as safe a driver as anyone who has never appreciated the realities of road carnage. Learning the hard way, you could say.

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You're wrong Keyboarder. This was way more than causing death through a moments recklessness or lack of concentration. I agree that an experience like that could prove a hard teacher. But this guy was on a whole other level. He got into a car that wasn't roadworthy, that he was qualified to drive and drove at a that is unsafe for anyone to drive at on open roads.

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You're wrong Keyboarder.


I don't think so.


This was way more than causing death through a moments recklessness or lack of concentration. I agree that an experience like that could prove a hard teacher. But this guy was on a whole other level.


I agree.


He got into a car that wasn't roadworthy,


Not according to Selwyn Taggart.


that he was qualified to drive




and drove at a (speed?)that is unsafe for anyone to drive at on open roads.


Well, nothing unusual about that on the Isle of Man.

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I agree with some of your comments but I don't see how you can categorically say (as if it's a proven fact somehow) that 85mph is "unsafe for anyone to drive at on open roads". I'd agree on a lot of the roads, but not necessarily all.


I'm certainly not an advocate of foolhardy driving (and have tried to help get a couple of dangerous cretins pinched recently for exactly that reason) but perhaps if it were as black & white as you think, it's more likely that there would already be a national limit that's lower.

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On a different tack, but still Richmond Hill




I went via RH southbound the toher day and encountered these 30 signs half way up the hill. Bit of a silly placement really as you start the hill under a 50 limit, have chance to pull out to overtake a slower moving vehicle and then half way through the manouvre, encounter the 30 signs. Just daft.


Anyway, I then noticed that there are no signs to bring you back up to the 50 limit. The first sign I encountered was a 50 'reminder' sign, just prior to the dip by the Hop Garden.


Does that mean that 'technically' it is 30 all the way to the de-restricted section at the Fairy Bridge?


I think it was the same on the way back as well. Reduced to 30 prior to the corner, and the next signs were for the permanent 30 limit prior to Fort North roundabout. Even though the reverse of these stated 50 for that section for southbound traffic.


Someone needs a lesson in signing me thinks.

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Heading southwards, the stretch on Richmond Hill is the only safe place to overtake slow moving vehicles such as lorries etc. The only other possibilities are by the Fairy Bridge or on the straight before Ballasalla - both of which can be frustrated (or have accident potential) due to oncoming traffic.

The imposition of any long-term 30 mph limit on that stretch will, IMO, prove far more hazardous than the normal 50 mph limit.

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Well according to Mr Flint it's a "difficult piece of road" (apparently "difficult" means a bend on a hill).


Difficult to whom exactly? A blind man with no arms?


Next time I successfully walk to the top of May Hill I'm going to give myself a hearty pack on the back, "Difficult road there Chopsticks, well handled!"

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