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Everything In Douglas


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On the one hand ,you have Mr Irving, a man of innovation and drive! who probably has done more than anybody to put Peel on the map in the last ten years ( being a Peel man to the best of my knowledge ) and will probably have done a lot of unpaid work ,to make his visions come to fruition ,for the of benefit the town of Peel!


At the other end of the spectrum we have Mr le Paige?, a man who is paid a handsome salary to head the D.T.L., and to come up with innovative and exciting ways to improve the tourist industry for the benifit of the people of the Isle of Man! .


Yet the best they can come up with is to re-locate the peel bay festival to Douglas?


Typical ,of the lazy job for life types that infest the manx government!


It seems to me that we (the taxpayers) are employing the wrong man .



Anybody got Mr Irvings phone no???

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On the one hand ,you have Mr Irving, a man of innovation and drive! who probably has done more than anybody to put Peel on the map in the last ten years ( being a Peel man to the best of my knowledge ) and will probably have done a lot of unpaid work ,to make his visions come to fruition ,for the of benefit the town of Peel!


At the other end of the spectrum we have Mr le Paige?, a man who is paid a handsome salary to head the D.T.L., and to come up with innovative and exciting ways to improve the tourist industry for the benifit of the people of the Isle of Man! .


Yet the best they can come up with is to re-locate the peel bay festival to Douglas?


Typical ,of the lazy job for life types that infest the manx government!


It seems to me that we (the taxpayers) are employing the wrong man .



Anybody got Mr Irvings phone no???


Uh oh. Call me cynical but I believe that everything Mr Irving has undertaken in Peel has been to put Mr Irving on the map, and everything he has accomplished has also been to benefit a certain Mr Irving. We're talking about a businessman, not a philanthropist. Granted, the development of parts of old Peel by a certain building company have generated a buzz, but so does a wasp, and they're not known for their generosity of spirit. In Peel, there are very mixed feelings about this particular company and their devlopments of varying merit (ye olde ersatz film-set heritage anyone?).


There's been an awful lot of talk about Peel being 'put on the map'. I'd love to know which map this is. To be fair, the events through the summer were good because they showed that enterprise can - no, really! - thrive outside of Douglas. But the bigger picture? On sunny Saturdays, everyone chunts in to Peel to eat ice cream in their cars - and it was ever thus. The rest of the time? Outside the pubs, it's forlorn and deadly quiet - and it was ever thus.


That's not to knock your enthusiasm, homarus, and I heartily agree with your points about the DTL, who'd struggled to organise a coconut shy on a good day.

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the fact that mr irving is a businessman is not the issue "pamplemousse " you old cynic you!


I would think that most people on this island of working age , are in the business of doing the best they can for themselves and families?


Why should Jonathan Irving be any different?

Have you read this weeks examiner page 14 ?, where Mr Irving recieves the "T.A.Kelly " plate (for the second time) for services to Peel! obviously the residents of the town are not quite as cynical as your good self

Yes he's made money out of Peel!, but so have a lot of other people! ,but he's also been involved in a lot of leisure projects around the town

(including the Viking festival I believe?)

From what I've seen of the the building work his company has undertaken,around Peel, most of it has been done to a very high standard and designed to preserve the character of the town! unlike the developments mushrooming up around the outskirts of Peel and destroying the surrounding countryside .


Whoever could be responsible for them I wonder???


Oh and by the way, I was born and brought up in the sunset City , so i'd like to think i'm qualified to have an opinion on the subject!

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Has the desire to move everything to Douglas become overt having for so many years been an [alleged] covert objective of Government.


But i'm sure someone from Douglas Corpy saw this concert in a dream, 20 years ago, and God told him to be patient and someday he could steal the idea off somebody who was happy to pay to put it on.

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This is pukesville, can the tourist board not think of anything by themselves? Peel was a great place to have that Festi, it wasnt the best festiv I have ever been to but 'showed promise'. What they going to call it? "The Peel Bay Festival (moved to Douglas)"


There are a million ace places to have a small and cool festi over here but our tourist board cannot think for itself - bunch of no good toss pots!

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Have you read this weeks examiner page 14 ?, where Mr Irving recieves the "T.A.Kelly " plate (for the second time) for services to Peel! obviously the residents of the town are not quite as cynical as your good self


Is the plate awarded through popular vote? Then I - also a resident - will concede your point.


From what I've seen of the the building work his company has undertaken,around Peel, most of it has been done to a very high standard and designed to preserve the character of the town!


IMHO, much of it is a phoney, chocolate box impersonation of the town's character, most noticeably the wretched Mariner's Wharf - an exercise in folksy fishing 'authenticity' for yuppies.

As for the quality of the work, I don't want to cite a lot of the stories I hear as they may well be no more than hearsay, but through the purchase of a very close acquaintance, I have seen the happy-go-slappy nature of these 'standards' - and the resultant headaches of the owner as they go about correcting them.


I do think he has done well in renovating properties within the town rather than supporting soulless developments on its fringe - thumbs up to him on that one.


Oh and by the way, I was born and brought up in the sunset City , so i'd like to think i'm qualified to have an opinion on the subject!


I don't doubt you are! ;)


But you can't tell me that man who (also in the Examiner) explained his prime motivation for the Peel Festival thus....


'I feel that we are only on this planet for so long, so we've got to try to improve our own lives and those of others. That's one of the main reasons why I did the festival'.



...isn't a) in danger of being consumed by his own ego and b) ripe for lampooning? A jolly thing though it was to see Bonnie Tyler playing in the world's biggest tent, it's hardly up there with finding a cure for cancer or ending poverty.

How long has Michael Eavis been doing Glastonbury? Yet you don't hear this self-effacing character carrying on as though he were a one-man crusade to boost the gross national happiness.

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