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'Chain of errors' led to 36-hour US nuclear blunder


Nuclear warheads capable of unleashing the equivalent of 10 Hiroshima bombs were mistakenly flown across the United States by a bomber crew who thought they were dummies, and the terrifying security lapse was not discovered for almost 36 hours, it has been revealed.


The B-52 took off from the remote Minot air force base in North Dakota with 12 cruise missiles that were being taken out of commission and scheduled for burial in Louisiana. The warheads on the decommissioned missiles should have been replaced with dummies of the same weight, but personnel failed to notice that six of the 12 were fully operational nuclear warheads.


The bomber had sat on the tarmac at Minot overnight, with nothing but routine security patrols guarding its payload, and then for a further nine hours at the Barksdale base in Louisiana before the missiles were unloaded and a shocked transport crew recognised the error.


Doesn't it all make you feel so much safer?

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It's their constitutional right to bare arms. Even nuclear arms.


I think if that lot had gone off ,pretty much everything would've been "bare"Mr Sausages,!


don't you think????

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Just be glad there's 3000 miles between us. As they continually kill our troops in 'accident after accident', I'm sure there are bound to be numerous goings on that would probably scare the pants off us. In my experience, the equivalent of a UK trained RAF or Navy technican in the USA is around three U.S. people, many of whom shouldn't be let loose with a BB gun - never mind be put in charge of nukes.

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Google Results 1 - 10 of about 1,930,000 for bush threatens iran. (0.14 seconds) Results 1 - 10 of about 19,300,000 for bush attacks iran. (0.17 seconds)

Give it time......... He's not finished playing global policeman yet.

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