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Troops To Get Council Tax Rebate


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Big Deal

Oh Wow how wonderful, now pay, equip and support them adequately as they deserve.

Pigs will fly........

Ooooh! 38p a day - sign me up! Since when has £140 been 25% of a council tax bill? It's closer to 10%. They shouldn't be paying anything if they're not f****g at home, plus salaries should be tax free :angry:

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A principal of Council Tax is that, If there's only one adult in the house then there's a discount applied. Which is what they will now get.

Why shouldn't they get the same as civilians?

Seeen the state of some of the army accommodation? Dole bums, Smackheads and Alkies get offered better.

Why shouldn't they get points towards housing? Can't afford sweet fa on the wage they get. Even with tax concessions.

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Oh how they suffer with only free transport, free food, free housing, free medical care, free dentistry, free clothing, free entertainment on base etc;

How often do you get a reduction in council tax, just because you are working a three month contract in the middle east ? Bloody never is the answer. Let's face it, they weren't forced to join the armed forces and they are free to leave whenever they like. They knew the deal when they signed the contract.

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Is their house going away as well?

Are their families no longer living in the house?

Why should salaries be tax free, are they not at work, just away from home?

Do I get tax free salary when away at work?

They sign up and sign a contract, why should they get special treatment just because they are in the army?


They already get points towards council housing just because they are in the forces and time spent in the forces are counted towards waiting time.

Grow up, they're big enough and ugly enough to look after themselves.


Do you get a tax free salary when away at work? you probably don't!, but then again I don't suppose you would have muslim extremists trying to shove R.P.G's up your Arse, trying to cut your head off or blow you to smithereens ?? etc, etc ,etc

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That's why I didn't join the army, stupid.

ps, not all the 'extremists' are Muslim.


Oh right ! you did'nt have the balls to put your life on the line ,

but your'e big enough and thick enough to complain about people who do , you tool???

(please excuse me for reverting to "Pulrose Type " but I think in this istance it is justified!)

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Oh how they suffer with only free transport, free food, free housing, free medical care, free dentistry, free clothing, free entertainment on base etc;

How often do you get a reduction in council tax, just because you are working a three month contract in the middle east ? Bloody never is the answer. Let's face it, they weren't forced to join the armed forces and they are free to leave whenever they like. They knew the deal when they signed the contract.



The fact is unless you're up in the ranks, the pay is just crap. The standard of the majority of accomodation is crap. The free medical care is crap, if in the uk join the same NHS queues as everyone else, the free transport is crap, often in unheated cargo planes, (earplugs needed) flying from remote airfields, the free clothing is in short supply and not exactly tailor made and footwear that falls apart in the heat, (most soldiers buy their own boots, sleeping bags, etc) free food is hit and miss, can be crap, free entertainment? I take it you're having a laugh.


You forgot to mention all the free military equipment they get to play with, most of which is really crap. Inadequate is being kind. Undersourced, worn out, in short supply, unreliable and often underspeced. I'm surprised at you Skrappey, you make life in the armed forces sound like a breeze, nothing could be further from the truth.


Even if all these perks you list were perks, which they're not, could you really begrudge them? What they need is a decent pay rise. Not a token gesture.

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That's why I didn't join the army, stupid.

ps, not all the 'extremists' are Muslim.


Oh right ! you did'nt have the balls to put your life on the line ,

but your'e big enough and thick enough to complain about people who do , you tool???

(please excuse me for reverting to "Pulrose Type " but I think in this istance it is justified!)


Oh you youngsters, what are you like?

I put my life on the line daily, how is none of your business.

When did I complain about soldiers? All I did was argue that they don't really warrant a reduction in their council tax just because their job is to get shot at. That's their bag, just not my cup of tea that's all.

Thick? Tool? Please re-read your own post before calling me thick.

Councils in England have a fixed budget they have to work out every year and can not go above a certain limit for fear of being 'capped' by the central government. If someone gets a reduction in their council tax it means someone else has to pay extra as the budget is worked out on a 'per capita' basis. (every body pays the same percentage ((percentage being their fair part of the whole (((whole being all of it))) )) ). Ergo; if one pays less, another pays more. That just isn't fair to the rest of the population.

I don't know what you mean by "Pulrose Type" I will ask around and see what you mean, maybe it means you do not know how to use an apostrophe (the little squiggly bit you put in strange places in your posts).

So, if you can't come up with a reasonable riposte, quit trying.

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Sorry Skrappey, I had you down as a bit of a Tool,(oops said it again) but obviously there is a bit more to you than that?

But lets be realistic here ! it's well documented that the rank and file troops in Iraq and Afganistan are working under extreme circumstances , underequiped and undermanned,

I can't believe that anyone would begrude them any perks that may come their way, I certainly don't?


But I am intrigued as to how you risk your life daily, (You've not married a Ramsey girl have you?) even if you do I would be extremely suprised if your'e working for the same shit money as a lot of the guys in Iraq

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Oh you youngsters, what are you like?

I put my life on the line daily, how is none of your business.


Councils in England have a fixed budget they have to work out every year and can not go above a certain limit for fear of being 'capped' by the central government. If someone gets a reduction in their council tax it means someone else has to pay extra as the budget is worked out on a 'per capita' basis. (every body pays the same percentage ((percentage being their fair part of the whole (((whole being all of it))) )) ). Ergo; if one pays less, another pays more. That just isn't fair to the rest of the population.

Lollypop man?


At the end of the day, we are only talking about a few thousand people on active service outside the country (sod all as a percentage of a 60 million population) - the majority of whom are on generally pi** poor wages anyway. The least they can do if they really want to make a difference is give them two extra weeks leave when they return to their families. To say they'll give a reduction in poll tax, especially when they are not home to use or benefit from any of the council services they are paying for - and therefore IMO entitled to that discount anyway, just the same as a single occupant in a UK house is - is nothing but a political token gesture, and at 38p a day an insult IMO - effectively calling what they are unfairly being asked to pay already: a benefit.

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Thank you for the apology homarus(?) I think it's the first I have ever received.

Albert, I don't disagree about their arduous job, the point is that, if they were entitled they would be getting it already and that, if they get it someone else has to pay, I find that unfair. A far better and fairer way would be for the army to pay them that extra money in their wages so as to counteract the fact they are not 'enjoying' the benefits of council tax paying, that way the councils concerned would not be out of pocket, services would be maintained and everybody would be happy.

We could send the bill to GWB and see how he reacts, after all it is his own crusade they are being sent to bolster.

I suppose I could always read the article you all refer to at the beginning of this thread, although that would be such a bore.

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It looks like they will have to do it all over again in Afghanistan (clicky) - following a good many battles/victories they won (at the cost of many British lives) to take control of various areas - the Taliban are simply regrouping and moving back into those areas 'behind' them. We truly are being led by Donkeys, who IMO, demonstrate little respect for the lives of British soldiers with their current 'strategy'.

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A far better and fairer way would be for the army to pay them that extra money in their wages so as to counteract the fact they are not 'enjoying' the benefits of council tax paying, that way the councils concerned would not be out of pocket, services would be maintained and everybody would be happy.



So why not just reduce or eliminate their income tax? same effect.


Once again (and very worryingly) I agree with Albert. If you are prepared to risk your life for your country, you should at least get income free of tax for the time that you are away from home.


Whatever you do that "risks your life" Skrappey, I'm willing to bet you are not having people deliberately trying to kill you in Ramsey....

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