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Troops To Get Council Tax Rebate


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My wife (a Ramsey girl) forced me to say that she thinks I am a hero for putting my life on the line every day, unlike soldiers who are aware of the dangers of their chosen profession when they join up.

As far as I am aware soldiers enjoy an insurance policy at no cost to them directly. They are learning a trade that, more or less, guarantees them a job at the end of their contract with the crown. They are guaranteed housing as well because any time spent in the armed forces counts towards 'housing points' in all areas of the UK. The wages they get are paid into their bank accounts so taxed at UK rates. They get an 'overseas' allowance also. I don't know the rates, maybe someone would care to inform us what they are.

I am not knocking the armed forces, I just don't understand why they should get a civilian benefit aimed at those in hardship (who may not have the choice how they live or where) when 'those' can not enjoy the benefits of army life.

I don't know if they have to pay for prescriptions or heating in their 'tied cottages'.

Are they guaranteed a dentist/doctor on site?

Separate hospitals or not?

Living in ultra safe 'gated communities' with a welfare system specific to their needs.

Support for families from a dedicated social service network.

Separate police force, not much vandalism when the police have guns.


After all that, if the local authorities decide they should enjoy this benefit, or the government are going to subsidise it for them, I will applaud the democratic decision of those councils and the beneficence of Gordon Browns ministers in the treasury. Let's hope they are grateful for what they get and don't expect any more than they deserve.

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As far as I am aware soldiers enjoy an insurance policy at no cost to them directly.

I think you'll find that there is a death benefit - anything else is covered under e.g. PAX which is payroll deduction based from a private insurance company. What is covered is limited. Get injured, usually followed by a medical discharge - you'll find the bulk are on the waiting list on the NHS in the UK.

They are learning a trade that, more or less, guarantees them a job at the end of their contract with the crown.

Yes - I suppose there is wide demand for marksmen, tank drivers and artillery men in most UK cities these days :huh:

They are guaranteed housing as well because any time spent in the armed forces counts towards 'housing points' in all areas of the UK.

There are 1.5 million people apparently on the waiting lists for council houses in the UK. They have to pay rent for quarters etc. so are in the same position as anyone else seeking social housing after, only if a house comes up of course they can't take it if they are still in, so are likely to go near the bottom of the list anyway in terms of need when they do come out. Do you really see them, even after 12 years service, walking straight into accomodation. The fact is, as many as 10% of the 'homeless' in the UK are ex British forces.

The wages they get are paid into their bank accounts so taxed at UK rates. They get an 'overseas' allowance also. I don't know the rates, maybe someone would care to inform us what they are.

Rates are p*ss poor, and have diminished over the last 30 years to next to nothing. US and Canadian troops don't pay income tax when serving on active service away from home, a salary differential of around at least £500 a month.

I am not knocking the armed forces

Maybe not, but you have to realise that compared to US and Candian soldiers, British soldiers get the worst deal. Add to that they will probably have to risk their lives again to retake many areas of Afghanistan they have previously taken, to which the Taliban are now returning - and you can see how morale can be affected. The current government and leadership of the British army reminds me of many of the same standards evident during the first world war - so it is no surprise to me to see for the first time in many years senior army officers having a go at politicians (all of whom are safely sat in London).


People seem to forget the £billions that have been spent on this war, never mind people becoming desensitized to the deaths reported every day on the news. But to not consider the poor sods risking their lives to see it through in all of this, and at least try to put them on parity with US and Canadians (sod all in the overall financial picture) is quite disgusting in my view. This UK government is doing far more damage to the British forces than has been done by anyone previously, so little wonder there are recruitment issues.


Well past time for a complete rethink IMO, and a written covenenant. If the IOM government pay grants to people going to University, why can't some MHK's perhaps argue to push to pay grants to manx residents joining the army and who are on active service (there aren't that many) - and show a lead.

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I have no problem with that suggestion at all, a much better way of spending our taxes than buying stainless steel salmon and bloody seagulls.

It wouldn't cost a fortune and may shame UK into doing something for their forces outside the local government taxation system. Does the IOM government reduce local rates for those of our citizens on active service for a the UK government?

Are they paying tax at our rates or UK?


ps, there is no such thing as a 'waiting list' in the UK. It is a points system, the more points you acquire, the nearer getting allocated a house you are. What does this government do for those serving the queen, do they get a council house if they want one when they get out?

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So I'll have to remember in future that if you want to be let off paying taxes all you need is a desire to kill people.


Or, more importantly, a willingness to put yourself in the face of danger and even die for your country.

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So I'll have to remember in future that if you want to be let off paying taxes all you need is a desire to kill people.

Or, more importantly, a willingness to put yourself in the face of danger and even die for your country.

Although you know the government of the day may put you in harms way you don't actually expect them to call your bluff.


Maybe not, but you have to realise that compared to US and Candian soldiers, British soldiers get the worst deal. Add to that they will probably have to risk their lives again to retake many areas of Afghanistan they have previously taken, to which the Taliban are now returning - and you can see how morale can be affected. The current government and leadership of the British army reminds me of many of the same standards evident during the first world war - so it is no surprise to me to see for the first time in many years senior army officers having a go at politicians (all of whom are safely sat in London).


People seem to forget the £billions that have been spent on this war, never mind people becoming desensitized to the deaths reported every day on the news. But to not consider the poor sods risking their lives to see it through in all of this, and at least try to put them on parity with US and Canadians (sod all in the overall financial picture) is quite disgusting in my view. This UK government is doing far more damage to the British forces than has been done by anyone previously, so little wonder there are recruitment issues.

"Was it ever thus" as I think you know Albert. They are not there to try and hold ground but rather to kill the enemy. Winston Churchill said "you can take the ground with any means at your disposal but you can only hold it with men". As the latest Taliban recruit may just be Ahmed down the road who has been given an AK47 and Saudi Arabian dollars then it's stupid to think of this as a conventional action where the enemy "are now returning" to areas "previously taken". The area was never intended to be held and the enemy are already there bozo.


Interestingly I can't recall the Recruiting Office mentioning anything about what happens when you leave the service. Funny that. I do remember polishing buttons when the yanks down the road had theirs gold plated to save on such nonsense - I kiddeth you not.


However I can just imagine the Nods in Helmand crouching in their pits with the rounds air-bursting overhead and their bottle bursting underneath and thinking "Never mind, at least I've got a reduction in my poll tax...."


Get real.

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The forces have a system in place where the longer you spend out of your home camp the more you get paid, this only used to be available for married people but after alot of disscusion it was deemed that any forces person should get seperation allowance if serving away from home camp.


The more time away you spend the more the allowance goes up, 2 back to back tours and you are soon on an extra £15 a day (this was what i was on after my final tour in 2003, may have changed now.) you also got a bonus for 180 days away at 2 points where you are given a lump sum of £1000 (before tax.)


When you are away from camp you do not pay food and accomadation (i dont know where people get the idea that the forces get free food and housing from.) not sure about the married quarters, they probabaly still pay rent.


When i was in, going on tour was great for the bank account because you cant spend cash on anything and you get a shit load of leave before and after you go. 4 weeks pre tour and 4 weeks post tour with 2 weeks leave during the 6 months in theatre.


I dont know about the infantry but i had an advanced trade and was on £56 as a Bombadier (corporal.) i know that in 2002/3 they had an overhaul of the wage structure so front line troops were brought into line with advance trade soldiers.


It was not uncommon for people to double what went into their bank while on tour, its dangerous and the pay provides some incentives to reflect that. Reducing the tax they pay on tour will not make a huge difference, but it will comfort the serving people to know that the government are starting to give a shit about them.

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At last, someone to put the point about their pay into perspective, they already get rewarded for being in the 'firing line' so to speak.

I will let them have a reduction in council tax if the government give an equal amount to local authorities in compensation, that way no-one suffers and they get a boost to their esteem.

My lengthy arguments have born fruit, it had to happen one day.

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