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I've just had a call from someone who's been reading the thread and they'll be able to put us in touch with someone who new the family (one or a couple of the ladies of man motorcyclists).


I know a joint forum donation would be nice but I think if donations were sent to them with a note saying something like (Regards from a manxforums user) would be good enough.

I will post the details in this thread when I get them.,

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If you all wish,I Dont mind collecting the donations, my name is well known on here and I can pass on the donations to the people in charge. What we collect wont solve the problem but if it helps the kids in anyway has to be Good.

I have spoke to Roly Drowler today to see if he could put on one of his That was the news nights to raise funds and he was all for it.

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Both very angry and upset when I read this. Leaving the angry aside "The ride for life" organised this year raised aprox £10,000 for Nobles prem unit but I cant for the life of me remember the guy who organised it. He did state that he wanted it to be an annual event with other causes benefiting.


If somebody can give me his name I will get in touch. Gavin rings a bell. I will also organise something at work to raise some cash.

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I want to be able to do something. I want to let the lady's mother (who I heard on Manx Radio a couple of times) and most importantly the now orphaned children, know that many people on the Isle of Man feel so sorry about what has happened.


The family came to this Island at a young age, as did my own family, and they must have looked so much to a wonderful future here. After all that has happened (and I also mean the circumstances after the event which cannot be spoken about on this forum) they must think of us, the Isle of Man, as a dreadful and unfeeling place.


The family must surely see this Island as harbouring some people that are so absolutely self-centred. Selfish.


I want to show that I care. That the Island is a caring and feeling place.


Despite how they have been treated and the disgusting show of clambering for innocence shown by some.


(Moderators please delete the last line if it is considered not appropriate for this thread, which has so far managed to keep off some of the more despicable aspects of this matter. Maybe just delete the whole post.)

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Just a thought guys but couldn't we ask Stu Peters if he would mind accepting the donations and then they could be posted to him at work, dropped off etc.


Just a thought!




I think that's an excellent idea Stav - that way it can be gifted as a group donation from the members of ManxForums.com.

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I'm not putting obstacles in the way, but is the grandmother still at home or is she hospitalised? The emphasis on a full time carer must surely be on care, i.e. not just have the children's material/physical needs catered for in the one place but also meeting their emotional needs as well. That is going to be hard to find. There are then the practical financial issues of care requirements that will span over a number of years - there is no short term fix really is there? However, approaching the family to ascertain what they would feel would truly be of value to their circumstances would surely be the correct way to go.

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Would someone please PM me with a place I can make a donation.


My Tax rebate has just come through and I would like it to go into a trust fund for the kids, it won't ease their heartache or the grief they must feel but to me it's just money. I won't miss it and I have enough to live by, may this be a gesture of a caring community.

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A sad case without question, it will pull on the heart strings of all of us and especially those of us who are parents.


We need more foster parents who are able to take family groups.  I am sure I heard a call for this on Manx Radio over the weekend (not sure how the government could help in this case, its us Jo public who can help by providing the safety net of the family group support).




The family are back living near Liverpool, and have been for some time.


The house here has been on the market for a while - if only someone would buy it, no doubt that would be a big help.

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Perhaps the people, the decent people, of the Island can show their feelings in their own way.


I don't know if anything organised will involve bikes in any way, it doesn't matter if it not, but I'll be taking mine out of winter storage this weekend just in case.


Hope to see some of you about.

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