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Farmers Moaning Again

Roger Smelly

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After talking to quite a few people about this, i've been led to believe the following.


The reason the price of meat is so high iin the IOM is as we all know, red meat derogation.


This seems to have been set up between the IOM Fatstocks and the Government to set the return to the Farmer for their meat. However this deosn't seem the case.


One reason the meat is so pricey is becuase on the charges made at the Abbatoir for slaughter. These, i've been led to believe, are set at that price because off the cost of the rental of the Abbatoir by the IOMFSA, from the Government.


OK. so why didn't the IOMFS build their own?, Why do the Goverment charge so much rental? and why haven't the IOMFS pressured the Goverment into reducing the rental?.


Then we move onto why there is only the Abbatoir the only one allowed to slaughter yet there is a local farmer who has set up his own but not allowed to use it? Even though it is set up to the same standards.


If the IOMFS didn't have, " A Monoploy " on the local meat trade then it would allow a local Butcher to go to the Cattle Market, choose and pay for their own beasts, then have an Independent Abbattoir slaughter them. This would then allow the Butcher to sell the meat at a lower price and trade against the Supermarkets.


So as you can see, it seems the Farmer has to pay more, the local Butcher has to charge more and the local Housewife has to pay more because the IOMFS and the Goverment say so ?


Imo, if or when the meat concession is lost then local Meat Farming will be in total collapse due to the fact local Butcher will have to import cheaper meat to stay trading.


And who's fault is that?


Maybe if the powers that be in the IOMFS had shown some foresight into the Farmers side and Publics side and not just, so it seems, worried about keeping a job which pays alot more than working the fields it would have got to this state off affairs.


I know for a fact that the IOMFS show no loyalties whatsoever to the people they trade with, so why should they have the backing of the Manx Public or the Farmers?


Maybe it's time to oust the" Old School Farming Families " up there and put in place people who can run it as a viable buisiness?

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The company I work for makes 100% profit on all local produce, this includes meat. Instead of blaming the farmers for their prices( one local spud farmer hasn`t increased his prices for 5 years, yet 2 weeks ago my company saw fit to plonk an extra 33% on his produce) maybe you should be asking the supermarkets one or two questions instead.

I won`t say where I work so don`t ask. All I will say is that I see every invoice from local suppliers, especially from the Abbatoir and the cost prices are quite low.

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The company I work for makes 100% profit on all local produce, this includes meat. Instead of blaming the farmers for their prices( one local spud farmer hasn`t increased his prices for 5 years, yet 2 weeks ago my company saw fit to plonk an extra 33% on his produce) maybe you should be asking the supermarkets one or two questions instead.

I won`t say where I work so don`t ask. All I will say is that I see every invoice from local suppliers, especially from the Abbatoir and the cost prices are quite low.


I suspect it would be more likely 100% contribution towards profit and overheads - big difference.

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The company I work for makes 100% profit on all local produce, this includes meat. Instead of blaming the farmers for their prices( one local spud farmer hasn`t increased his prices for 5 years, yet 2 weeks ago my company saw fit to plonk an extra 33% on his produce) maybe you should be asking the supermarkets one or two questions instead.

I won`t say where I work so don`t ask. All I will say is that I see every invoice from local suppliers, especially from the Abbatoir and the cost prices are quite low.


I suspect it would be more likely 100% contribution towards profit and overheads - big difference.



No, just greed.

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I've been told by a farming family that one reason that they found growing specialised types of potato uneconomic was that there was effectively a monopoly buyer who forced prices as low as possible - another problem preventing farms acquiring their own reputation is that marketing of Manx meat is via a single outlet and farms cannot, as yet, get back their own animals to sell and thus build up a reputation.

In the Scotish Islands it was usual to see a note in the window as to the farm sourcing the meat - in France in a large supermaket it was possible to buy butter from local named farms (admittedly at a much higher price but IMHO well worth the difference - why is it not possible to buy unsalted Manx butter?) - the French now have appellation controle rules for regional butter as well as wine.

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The reason why the abattoir is so expensive is because it cost a mint to build due to having to conform to EU regs

Of course, being comissioned the Manx Government usually adds about 100% to the cost of anything


It would have been possible to build a much cheaper one but, the meat would not have had the EU stamp and therefore not exportable.


It is necessary for the farmers to export because our small population cannot absorb the peaks and troughs of meat production


I am not a farmer and this was how the situation was explained to me, if you know different then let us know.


As most farmers are currently working their balls off, don't expect a reply before November

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The reason why the abattoir is so expensive is because it cost a mint to build due to having to conform to EU regs

Of course, being comissioned the Manx Government usually adds about 100% to the cost of anything


Give that man a prize as that's exactlly it. IOMFS run the Abattoir where the Government set the rules. Who, most are local farmers, get real for fucks sake. These people seem to be putting money in there own pockets. Not saving it from the housewife. They could have built it themselves and the only reason the EU crap came in is so they sould sell to the EU.


The crap they run now is so that they can sell to the likes off Tescos, Shoprite and all the English companies. The set up the IOMFS have in place atm, is purley and simply for the export market, no more, no less. If this company though a bit more about the home market, then you would'nt be able to buy Manx meat in Liverpool a damm sight cheaper than you can here. Please get someone to explain that?.


Manx " Old School " needs to be put to bed for otherwise there will be no " Freedom to Fourish " it sux, it always has done and will still do untill we get rid off this " Old Manx " Shoite.

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meat would not have had the EU stamp and therefore not exportable


I can see where you're coming from but the set-up at the moment will not allow farmers to contribute to the home market, at a lower price, due to the IOMFS and the Government.


Theses people are keeping the price high and not allowing any trade in meat whatsoever.


A Local Butcher , atm, is only allowed to import a small amount. WHY?


Edited as i forgot.


The set-up at the Abattior has nothingto do with the EU, it has everything to do with the companies they sell to.


The Abattoirs set-up is so they can sell to the Supermarkets over here, pure and simple. That, imo, shows that thet could'nt give a flying fuck as to what happens to them local Butcher or the Housewife ?


I'll leave you all to work that one out but most if not all i stated can be clarifyied.


Spooky innit?


Again as i forgot, since when has the IOM been a part of the EU ?

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I thought the IOMFSA graded meat from farms, and the farmer is paid for weight and grade - how come all the meat on sale is always the same price, surely if the farmer has been paid less for say a grade 2 lamb then the selling price in the butchers woudl be less than for top grade lamb meat. This doesn't happen.

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The company I work for makes 100% profit on all local produce, this includes meat. Instead of blaming the farmers for their prices( one local spud farmer hasn`t increased his prices for 5 years, yet 2 weeks ago my company saw fit to plonk an extra 33% on his produce) maybe you should be asking the supermarkets one or two questions instead.

I won`t say where I work so don`t ask. All I will say is that I see every invoice from local suppliers, especially from the Abbatoir and the cost prices are quite low.


I suspect it would be more likely 100% contribution towards profit and overheads - big difference.



No, just greed.


If it was greed it is likely that they would be un competitve and they would go out of business as the market dictates, unless they have a monopoly?

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So the bottom line is that people are currently paying well over the possible prices for meat?

Which seems to indicate that someone somewhere is making it at the shoppers expense.

The farmers themselves are not the ones benefitting?

If so who is?

Is that a fair, albeit simple; summary?

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